Ch. 48 Jade love

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"Kitty, stop bothering me. Go, play somewhere else. Go." I pick up him from my lap and places on the ground, but he again climbs on my lap. He nudge his muggle on my palm, purring softly. I left a small sigh and pats his back.

"I am not in mood, leave me." I dropped him off and continue to swing at the swing set of the park. He mewed at me again and again. Finally when I didn't give him any attention he began to roam around the bushes and the benches loitering around the park.

I hums a song and continue to swing and swing until my head began to dizzy. I left it and seat under a small tree, trying to lift my mood up, plucking out grasses in anger.

I am angry, and sad. Yes, more sad then angry. How dare he could do this to me? He is so heartless. So mean. How could he bring her at home with him wherever he come back, from time to time. And that witch! Always clings to him. He told me that he was pretending with her, but still how could he talk with her when he clearly avoided me. He didn't even eat the breakfast I made. I hate him. Aman is so mean me.

But what's more interesting is how am I reacting to him. I am not like this, the sulking and nagging type. I was never like this, I didn't bother what people think about me, or when they leave me, avoid me. But with him it's different. All I want is to slap him hard and shout at his face to talk to me, to tell him not to avoid me. But I am coward, I don't have so much strength to do this. I am really afraid of Rachael and her threats are digging deep inside me. I can't even tell anyone about this. And she is really something else! She didn't once looked at me without glaring, her eyes promised my destruction. She even threatened me whenever no one is in sight and even hurts me physically more than twice.


I left a deep sigh. I want to tell him about this, so much. But I am bound, stuck into the fear of losing the most important person and my most loveable pet. I can't. I don't know when Aman has managed to slip between the thread of my being and find the spaces between the lines. He was able to fit through the cracks of my soul and fill in the gaps of my heart.

When I am with him, I act different. In a good way. I smile more and laughs more. I don't have to pretend everything is okay when it's not. With him, I don't have to put on the poker face as I do with everyone. He understands me, maybe a too much. And sometimes it frightened me. The way I react against him, the nights he hold me near to get me away from my nightmares, the panic attacks also more or less stopped. I am afraid that I am depending upon him a little bit much. And I am afraid that what I will do without him.

"What's with this long face?" I looked up and smiled seeing the old man selling cotton candy again. "You should be banned from entering into this park. Why did you come here? Pouring your angers upon the poor grasses? Yeah Khuda! Just look at the plucking greens around you." He huffed.

"Sorry." I smile sheepishly. "I did a mess here. But it's that I don't have anyone to talk with here." I told him truthfully.

"Hmm. I can see that. You are lonely. So stop playing with your cat too much and meet with people."

"Why? What's wrong with my cat?" I narrowed my eyes. What's with everyone telling me to stop playing with Kitty?

"Normal people don't always spend their time with pets."

"It's because I don't have anyone to spend time with me. Everyone is busy and they always keep me in home." I left a deep sigh. "And... And I don't want to bother other people."

"Eat this." He handed me one packet of candy. I happily opened it and put one in my mouth.

"Thank you." I smiled at him and handed him his deserved money.

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