TonyTony Chopper x Reader (Genderless)

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"Nee (Y/N) San, could you please read me that book again?"


One day you offered Chopper some help with his insomnia, seeing how tired he looked.

His big black eyes wich usually sparkled with excitement were half-closed and lost all their light.

You thought for a good minute of a possible solution for his problem.

Normally you would have just made some chamomile or milk, but unfortunately you were out of it and the closest island was a few days from here...

You suddenly remembered what your mom used to do when you were little and couldn't go to sleep.

"Hey Chopper, how about if i read you a book? Do you think it would help you?"

Chopper didn't say anything, instead he just tiredly smiled and yawned.

You quickly went to your bed and picked out from underneath it a small old box.

Inside were some letters and photos.

"Found it!"
You yelled excitedly, waving an old book in the air.

Chopper turned around to take a look at the little book, it had a hand drawn cover with a little boy with golden hair and a red fox by his side.
They were on top of what looked like a small version on our planet, but without water and grass.
What caught his attention was a beautiful red rose inside of a glass globe.

"What do you think? It's a book that my mom used to read when i was a child."

Chopper squished his eyes a little and read out loud.
"The little prince... I like it!"

He then got under the covers and yawned once more.

You started reading, trying to keep your voice to just a wisper.

You kept glancing between the reading and your little reindeer friend, when you saw that he was finally almost sleeping.

It took half the book to make him completely fall asleep.

You caressed his cheek and took his hat off, putting it on the night stand next to his little bed.

You kissed his furry forehead and smiled when you heard him do a little "mhh" of satisfaction.

"Goodnight Chopper, sweet dreams"
And with that you went to bed too.


Author's little space ☆☆

Thank you for reading this, i had this idea in mind and just wanted to write it.
Please tell me your thoughts about this little ff, if you liked it or not, if it was stupid or cute etcetera.

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