Franky x Gn!Reader | Mechanical love

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Someone in my request page told me they wanted to read something with Franky and finally here it is! Anyway, If you like it and would like to read more about this character, either in a part 2 or a completely different fic tell me in the comments ^^. Enjoy


Your feelings for the strong cyborg weren't certainly a secret, in fact, everyone on that ship (even Luffy) had been able to find out before you could even address the "problem".

But somehow the only one who had never even said a word about it was none other than the guy you had a crush on, Franky.

Now, you weren't sure how it happened or why, but as they say: love has its mysterious ways which cannot be controlled or changed.

If someone were to ask you what it was that made you realize the way you feel about the young cyborg, you would probably say something like "I like everything about him. From the way he smiles to how he gets all worried about me if I'm not acting like usual. He's just so sweet and funny."

However, no matter how much you practiced in front of your mirror, trying to prepare yourself for the big step, you always gave up as soon as your eyes met his.

It was frustrating and you were slowly getting insane.

Although you knew exactly what you needed to say and knew what to do in case you got rejected, in the back of your mind the thought of losing his trust and friendship was preventing you from speaking up.

"You know, (Y/n)? You'll feel even worse if you don't try it. The worst thing that could happen would be his rejection, but you two are friends and Franky is not the type of guy who would let one of his friends go for such a silly thing."

"You're right, but I don't think I can do it."

"Would you rather see him dating somebody else and be consumed by regrets or confessing your love to him and see how it goes?"

You huffed and looked at (Crew Member)'s face.

"Okay! Fine. I'll go talk to him..."

And that's how you ended here, at a park on a really calm Island.

The good thing was that nobody was there to hear what you were about to say, at least you wouldn't embarrass yourself any more than necessary.

"So, uhm. Franky, I've been waiting for such a long time to find the right time to tell you this, but I realized that the perfect moment doesn't just present itself, we have to create it... and that's exactly what I'm doing right now."

He was confused and didn't know what to expect from you, but he could tell by the way you were acting and by your body language that this was something very important for you and that it was making you especially anxious. 

"(Y/n), you know you can talk to me about anything. You know how much I care about you."

You smiled lightly and nodded.

"I really lik-"

"I like you, (Y/n)"



"Heh, sorry, It's just that you seemed so nervous and once you started talking I got impatient and gave you an immediate answer."

You blinked a few times to make sure this was real, and once you had time to process what had just happened you started laughing.

"Hey! It's not MY fault if you made me short circuit."

"Heh sorry, so would I be going too fast it I asked you to go out with me right now?"

"You've already taken enough time waiting to confess, so no, it would be SUPER."

Offering his hand out for you to take, Franky led you to a bar he had spotted on the way to the park that morning, and since neither of you had eaten anything for breakfast he decided you would have your first date then and there.


If you liked this fic please consider reading some of my other fics and voting the ones you like the best. That's how I can tell what you prefer to read and what kind of fics are the most popular in this book ^^

Have a beautiful Day/Night and hopefully see you soon <3

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