Nico Robin ×NB!Reader |

4.4K 56 11

Word count 1790

Request? Yes

I'm super sorry for not being active, but some pretty sad stuff happened, someone in my family is very ill and they had to hospitalize them.

Anyways, now i'm back and hopefully this time I'll be here long enough to finish all the requests i have left.



"It's useless, all the compasses are acting up."

"What about the log pose? Is it also affected by this weird mist?

"Yes. I've never seen it acting like this."

You silently got up and looked at the sky.

It was still too bright to see any stars, but you could still get an approximate direction thanks to the position of the Sun.

It's June.. and today is XX so the Sun was supposed to rise in the Northwest.


You pointed to the Sun.

"But we should go faster, it will rain soon. We should exploit it while it's still there."

And with that your duty was done and you could finally go back to your beloved book.

"What do you think about (Y/n)? Aren't they.. a little bit weird?"

Nami whispered into Robin's ear.

"I don't think so. They just got here, it's normal for someone new to feel like that. Give them some time and you'll see their true nature."

Nami took another glance at you.
Your face was almost completely covered by the gigantic book you were reading.

You rarely took your head out of there, and when you did it was to go somewhere else, away from everyone and to draw.

The only time you could be seen with everyone else was to eat or fight.

Sometimes Nami even forgot you could speak.

"If you say so."

Nami went in the kitcken to get some cold drinks, she then walked back with a tray of cocktails.

"Hey (Y/n), want one?"

You looked up and met Nami's eyes, the only think you did was nod and take one of the glasses from her tray.


She smiled and walked back to Robin.

"Did you see that? They didn't even talk to me! Ugh this is so frustrating. I give up."

Robin rolled her eyes and got up.


A few hours later the ship was able to reach the next island thanks to your help.

Everyone went out to explore the new place, while you and Zoro offered to stay behind and guard the ship.

You and Zoro weren't what you would call best friends, he never really tried to talk to you, he wasn't much of a talker and the only words you two exchanged were simple greetings, but you didn't really mind.

Luffy and Usopp were the most lively ones, they had tried to get you to chat with them but eventually gave up when they understood that the only thing they would ever get out of you were short sassy remarks.

OnePiece X Reader Oneshots And Headcanons [Requests are CLOSED TEMPORARILY]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ