Chapter 34: Anxiety

Start from the beginning

"Zane, I really do need to go." I reiterated what I'd said earlier.

Zane simply shook his head and sighed.

"I know you more than you think I do. And right now, you're scared and you're trying to run but... I need to make it clear that this thing between us..." Zane pointed between the two of us before finishing what he had to say. "It isn't over yet..." After a pregnant pause, letting his cryptic message sink deeply into my mind, Zane finally let go of my wrist.

The butterflies in my stomach were flapping at full force. I sucked in a deep breath to calm my nerves but nothing helped.

The longer Zane stared at me longingly, the more overwhelmed I felt.

The hairs on my arms rose ever so slightly as a chill ran down my spine.

I bit my lip and took a step back. I could no longer take the intensity of this moment.


Did this man really just say he loved me?

Nope..... this was too much for me to handle right now.

I gathered the last of my nerves as I mumbled my excuse to get out of there.

"Uh, um. I've got to go. I'm going to be late for class...." I whispered the words as quickly as possible because I knew that if I stood here any longer,  I was going to lose my entire fucking mind.

Without giving him a chance to say more crazy shit again, I zoomed out of there as quickly as possible without another glance in his direction.

For the rest of the day, I couldn't get Zane's confession out of my head. When our class started I found myself ignoring my professor and pathetically looking towards the door to see if he would show up.

He never did.

The only thing I knew for sure during this emotionally confusing time for me was that, ever since meeting Zane, he has effectively turned my world upside down and I'm not entirely sure when it happened.

How did I let myself get caught up in a situationship with someone like Zane? When did I become such a nervous wreck? The Mia I knew was stronger than this....

It's as if Zane weaseled himself into my life and lodged himself so deeply that now he's stuck.

I sighed and shook the thoughts out of my head.

I needed to get my shit together.

When class ended, I grabbed my things and dashed towards the door. All throughout class, my anxiety was at an all time high and, right now, the thing I needed most was to grab some fresh air.

As I reached the door to exit the classroom, I felt a sharp jab to the side of my stomach; causing me to stumble and fall into the door frame.

I gathered my balance as I realized what happened.

I locked eyes on Harper as she sauntered away with a devilish smirk on her face.

"Move bitch, you're in my way." She stated as she shoved past me.

I stood still and squeezed my eyes shut to keep my control. I began to do some breathing exercises to calm down because lord knows, I was "this close" to showing Harper what a bitch actually looked like. I could literally visualize myself wrapping her long dark hair around my arm and yanking her ass to the floor so that she could reacquaint herself with these two fists that beat the shit out of her not too long ago.

Plus, the fact that she was putting my family through hell with her false allegations was reason enough for me to beat the shit out of her. It took everything inside me to resist the urge.

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