Chapter 29: The Truth: Part One

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Mia 🧡

While Rebecca pounded on the front door desperately, my mother and I stared at my father from across the room.

I crossed my arms and took in his demeanor. He looked fidgety. Something about this entire situation didn't feel right. I watched as my father awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck while he looked to be contemplating how to explain away his behavior. In my mind, I couldn't find anything that could justify how suspicious he was being.

My mother took a step forward and furrowed her brows. "Richard, what is going on with you? I've never seen you behave so rudely." She asked, sounding baffled. Her brows were furrowed and her head was tilted quizzically to one side.

I could only imagine that I also had the same look on my face.

My dad began to stutter as he continued to rub the back of his neck.

"Uh, um...I know how this looks but um, I-I think w-we should go and sit down so that we c-can talk about this as a family."

Without waiting for our response, my father quickly ambled past us while waving us forward to follow in his footsteps. However, I didn't move an inch. My eyes followed his movements closely until he left the room but, I stood frozen in place. My father was acting too suspicious for me to not investigate on my own.

A second later, I heard shuffling beside me which prompted me to jerk my neck in the direction of my mother. My eyes automatically landed on her bewildered face.

I scanned slowly over my mother's brown face which now looked ashen and drained of its usual vibrancy. I could tell my mom's anxiety was slowly taking over.

After hesitating for a moment or two, my mother eventually gathered her wits and followed closely behind my dad.

I didn't budge.

I turned my attention towards the incessant knocking at the door and contemplated what my next move would be.

I didn't like Rebecca.

That was a given.

However, I knew there was a reason behind all of her madness and I aimed to figure it out. Why was she so obsessed with me? It didn't make any sense in my head.

I'm sure that everyone who knows Rebecca would probably agree that she needed immediate mental help. However, I couldn't ignore the fact that maybe she acted the way she did because of some underlying mental trauma she went through as a kid... And by the way my father overreacted, I was getting suspicious that maybe he might've played a part in why she's mentally so screwed up.

I didn't actually know.

In actuality, I was only tossing unfounded ideas around in my head. But, the more I thought about what just happened, the more questions popped into my mind. The only thing I could be sure of was that my father's reaction told me there was a bigger picture that we hadn't seen yet.

I loved my father.

I trusted him with my life.

And when Mike died, my parents were the only reason I was able to cope and not drown in my own depression. So for my dad to behave like this, it confused me. Him being that rude to someone for no reason didn't match his character at all.

Maybe I should've followed him into the family room and listen to what he had to say. I hesitated and took a step forward in my parents direction but stopped to think.

Yes, Rebecca was a nuisance and she didn't know how to mind her own damn business but, if I wanted real answers, I knew I needed the full story. That meant I needed her side of the story and not just his.

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