Chapter 23:True Colors

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8:00 pm

Setting: Jared's house

Mia's 💛POV

Jared picked me up from my apartment and now we were on the way to his house. As I sat in the car, Jared seemed off and kept shifting his body and eyeing me from the corner of his eyes. He seemed fidgety.

Because of his weird demeanor, I told him I could drive myself and meet him at his house, but he insisted that he take me. I didn't protest.

The moment we entered into his driveway, butterflies began to flutter nervously in my stomach. I began to chew on my bottom lip as I waited for him to turn the vehicle off. I was really about to do the whole "Netflix and Chill" vibe with my boyfriend. The thought had me smiling to myself.

My mind wandered back to earlier today when Alicia was laid out on my bed and giving me a pep talk about what to expect. She ran down a list of things I needed to prepare before meeting up with Jared. The more she spoke, the more nervous I got.


"I can't believe my little girl is finally growing up." Alicia stated while she grinned at me from the bed.

"Oh, shut up." I responded by picking up a pillow and throwing it at her head. Alicia smirked.

"Okay Mia, all jokes aside. We have to run down the list to make sure you're adequately prepared for your Netflix and Sex date." Alicia gave me a devious side-eye. I shook my head.

"Okay, I'm listening." I stated. As she talked, I found a seat at my computer desk and sat down to listen. Alicia began to check off each thing from her list by counting on her fingers.

"Alright, first and for most. Make sure you shower and shave. I would've preferred for you to be waxed but we have to make due with what we got." Her words had me awkwardly blushing. She continued.

"Next, make sure you have a box of condoms. I don't care what excuse Jared might try to give you, but for gods sake, make sure you use protection! The mans a whore!" I chuckled as she threw a box of ultra thin condoms at me. I opened the box and pulled out a few condoms before handing them back to her.

"And finally, relax and don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Make sure you enjoy yourself and have fun, Mia." I smiled and nodded my head. Everything she said seemed simple enough. We spoke for a bit longer before I got up and began to get ready.

*End Flashback*

Jared was my boyfriend now but I still felt nervous to be alone with him. We'd hung out by ourselves before, but knowing that I planned to take our relationship to the next level really had my heart pounding wildly in my chest.

"Hey babe, you straight?" Jared asked while turning to look at me.

Instead of verbally answering him, I nodded my head. He took that answer and turned off the car. I couldn't speak right now even if I wanted to. I was that nervous. You would think I was a virgin or something.

Once we got into his house, we headed straight to Jared's bedroom for privacy since he had roommates that would be walking in and around the house. We walked down a long hallway and entered his room. It looked like a bachelor pad, just like the last time I saw it. I scanned over the room and took in the fact that he didn't fully prepare for me to come here tonight. Well at least, not in my opinion.

I noticed the disheveled sheets on his full-size bed, the plastic nightstand that had tons of water bottles and food containers sitting on it, and his "curtains" were made up of a dark comforter that he nailed onto the wall as an obvious DIY project. In the far corner was a desk that housed his laptop. Beside his laptop, I noticed, a small scale, weed, a grinder, and 3 half empty liquor bottles. There were also several different orange prescription bottles just laying around. All of this had me furrowing my brows and wanting to question him but I kept my mouth shut.

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