13- Nick & Kenna

Depuis le début

I have gone over dad's papers countless times, I wasn't finding anything. The thing that really sucked was I didn't even know where to start. There's all kinds of numbers, locations and even people's name's and I feel like I'm trying to solve a foreign fucking puzzle.

I refused to give up though, I know I was missing something.


I jumped and turned toward the voice.

Nick started laughing, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I wasn't expecting anyone to still be up."

"Where did you go earlier?"

"A run, I needed to clear my head. I got back a little bit ago, showered and came to get something to drink before bed."

"Oh, maybe I should run with you next time." I started rubbing my temples.

"You okay? What are you looking through?"

"My dad's paperwork. I feel like I'm missing something… or maybe this really is just a waste of everyone's time." I looked up at Nick. "I want your honest opinion, do you think I'll ever find the people that killed my parents?"

He stepped close to me.

"Honestly… Yes. You are the most persistent person I know. You'll catch a break and it will lead you right to them." He said, ending with that gorgeous smile of his.

"I really do like your smile. Why don't you smile much?"

"What do I have to smile about?"

"Really?" I gave him a bored look.

"This really isn't a fun life Kenna, you need to put feelings aside and hide them. Smiling makes you vulnerable. But, not to sound cliche… you make me want to smile."

This put a big smile on my face. "Cliche or not, that was the sweetest thing I've ever heard."

It was silent for a moment. I wanted him to kiss me so badly.

"Nick, do you like me?"

He leaned in, "More then you fucking know."

Screw it. I'm not waiting for him anymore, and I didn't…

I grabbed his neck softly and pulled him into me. Our lips connected.

It was amazing. He pulled me in closer to him, grabbing my ass and lifting me onto the counter.

Our tongues, exploring each other's mouths. We both let out a moan, before resting our foreheads together.

"That kiss was amazing." Nick said, breathing heavily.

"It was. Just so you know, I like you too." I whispered.

He smiled and pulled me to him again. This time it was way more heated. My insides flooded with desire.

"I want you so fucking badly, Kenna."

"So have me!"

That's all he needed, he pulled me off the counter and we headed for his room downstairs. Not once breaking our kiss. We got to his room and he kicked his door shut, stripping off his shirt. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head.

He came up to me and started kissing me again. He pulled down my shorts and I heard him unzip his pants. His fingers, finding my wet folds.

He growled, feeling how wet I was for him already. He lifted me up against the wall and thrusted in me. We were both moaning into each other's mouths as he thrusted into me over and over again.

"Nick, I'm almost there."  He thrusted harder and faster as I had my release.

He was moaning so loud, I knew he was almost there himself. I put my legs down and got on my knees. I put him in my mouth and started stroking and sucking him.

He hit the wall with his fist moaning out my name as he came in my mouth. I swallowed every last drop he shot in my mouth.

He picked me up and we started kissing again. He removed my bra and threw me on his bed hovering over me.

"You're mine now, baby."

"I'm yours!"

His tongue found his way to my most sensitive area. As he was working his tongue, he entered a few fingers. I was moving my hips as I was getting closer to my next orgasm.

"Just like that baby. Fuck yes." I screamed out his name as he licked and sucked up my juices.

He went into a drawer and pulled out a condom. As he was opening it, I stroked him as he got the condom ready. I put it on him, and he laid me back.

He entered me again. Our moans echoing his room, as our bodies moved as one.

I was laying in Nick's arms, completely happy and satisfied. I didn't want to go back to my room, but I had to.

"I have to go back upstairs to the kids, they don't know I'm gone." I whispered.

He pulled me in even closer. "I don't want you to go."

"Why don't you come upstairs with me? We will be dressed, but we will still be able to snuggle."

He kissed me again. I can't get enough of his kisses.


We both got dressed and headed upstairs to my room that I was sharing with the kids.

I pushed Mason over a little and crawled into bed. Nick snuck in right behind me, wrapping his arms around me and burying his head into the back of my neck.

This was perfect, I was happy and content. I could definitely get used to this.

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