George swore, hanging up. He opened up snapchat and accessed the snapmap, in hopes to see the whereabouts of his boyfriend. He zoomed in, spotting Clay's blonde-haired icon on a street a couple blocks away. And he was moving further and further away from the apartment.


George ran to the door, grabbing his wallet and slipping on his shoes. He practically fell out the door in his haste to leave.

What are you doing, Clay??

* * *


Seeing his face for the first time in over two years made Clay's stomach flip. It brought back too many bad memories; it made it hard to breathe. He felt like he was drowning.

Daniel walked towards him, his jet-black hair messy as always, his blue eyes cold and piercing, that awful smirk that Clay had once found endearing plastered on his face. He was tall, but still a couple inches shorter than Clay. As he approached, Clay noticed that his figure seemed lankier than usual. He had always been skinny, but the closer he got the more he saw how unhealthy the other looked. The dark circles around his eyes were noticeable, his skin pale, his eyes bloodshot.

"Hey Sunflower."

Clay winced.

"Don't call me that."

That had been Daniel's nickname for him. Clay still remembered that day all too well...

The sky turned pink as it slowly set, casting it's dying rays across the rooftops of the bleak suburbs. Danny walked towards him, a cigarette idly placed between his lips as he handed Clay the flower.

"It's for you."

"Danny...isn't this illegal? You can't just steal sunflowers from someone's property."

Danny shrugged, letting out a puff of smoke as he sat next to him.

"They ain't gonna miss one damn flower."

They were sitting on the rooftop of the small coffee shop that Clay worked at. He had just finished his shift, and Danny had showed up to watch the sunset with him. He had briefly left the rooftop for a second to descend the building's side ladder and steal a sunflower from the neighboring garden. Now returned, he lay down next to the green-eyed boy, putting an arm around his shoulders.

Clay laughed as the other boy winked at him playfully. He twirled the flower between his fingers and Danny watched him with a grin.

"You're my Sunflower."

That had been the day that Clay had caught feelings for him. But as he looked at the man in front of him now, standing on the quiet street corner in the light rain, he no longer felt anything. He had cared for Danny so long, spent months in agonizing pain after their breakup.

But now he had George.


The best thing to ever happen to him. It was George who made Clay grin like a fool now, George who made his heart flutter every time he smiled.

"I'm sorry Clay."

Daniel's bluntness caught Clay off-guard. The dark-haired man gazed at him intently, opening his mouth to continue.

"I'm sorry for what I did. I miss you. Give me another chance, please."

Clay almost laughed.

"Give you another chance? Forget it, Danny. I'm long over you. In fact I have someone else, as you apparently know."

"Clay please. You know I loved you. I still do. What you saw that night, that wasn't me. It was just-just...I don't know. It was a slip-up."

"A slip-up?" Clay's voice was deadly quiet. The calm before the storm.

"A SLIP-UP? Oh, that explains everything. Of course! Silly me. Just a slip-up. You have SOME nerve, Daniel, tracking me down after years, YEARS, just to tell me that you breaking my heart was a slip-up. Do you KNOW what I went through? Do you know how many MONTHS it took me to forget you? FUCK. YOU."

The other man winced. Clay's words became bullets, each one shooting Daniel down harder than the last.

"You think you can SAUNTER around anywhere you like, BREAKING PEOPLE'S HEARTS and then asking for forgiveness YEARS later?" Clay was fully yelling now.

"Clay I-"

"NO. You don't ever get to 'Clay' me anymore. And to think I put up with your fucking lies and-and your addiction for so long. I tried to help you Danny, I really did. I brought you to rehab, I drove you to the FUCKING HOSPITAL when you overdosed and I stayed there all FUCKING NIGHT, praying that you were okay. And how did you repay me? By cheating."

Clay felt tears burn his eyes. He no longer tried to calm the white-hot anger boiling inside of him.

"I have nothing more to say to you, I want you to leave. Actually  leave. Stay away from me and everyone I know. Most of all, stay the fuck away from my boyfriend."

He turned on his heels, ready to storm off. He stopped as he felt a cold, shaky hand grab his arm.

"You don't mean that. Come back to me Clayton. I'm-I'm not doing that good. I need you."

Clay yanked his arm from Daniel's grasp. He was suddenly calm, feeling as though a massive weight he had been carrying around for years had been lifted off his chest. He looked his ex dead in the eyes, one last time.

"I'm sorry that you're not doing well. I really am. But I tried to help you, and you treated me like shit. You need help Danny. But you're not gonna get it from me."

With that, Clay turned his back to him and began to walk. Somewhere deep inside of him, he knew that this was the last time. He knew that, this time, when he walked away, he was leaving him for good.

So Clay kept walking.

And he didn't look back.

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