Reversed part 7 (finale)

Start from the beginning

Until Arthur felt like life itself was leaving him. Arthur bent forwards on to his knees – about to collapse, because his brain got no oxygen. And for barely a few seconds – he knew his heart stopped beating. He knew – because the pulse that throbbed through his fingers stopped. He felt like he was going to fall into nothingness.

And then - a wave of colorful magic rushed through him. Caught him.

Arthur gasped for air – his lungs suddenly reactivating after they had shut down for merely a few moments. His eyes – blinded by these black dots– finally regaining the ability to see color in an intensity that could have caused him a seizure, but luckily didn't.
His nose noticing smells he had never smelled before in his entire life.
His ears – deafened by the silence of the town – suddenly hearing every single thing that this world still had to offer.
He could hear Merlin breathing only two meters next to him.

All his senses were suddenly overly sharp and sensitive. Every touch of the frozen snow that by now even fell inside the hut, burning on his skin – every sweat from the heat of white colorless sun that shone through the dirty window, like acid on his skin.

Arthur felt everything in such an intensity that he had to throw up. He threw up color in the grayish white of the snow.
Arthur's skin was tanned. A light tan – barely visible – but yet very noticeable for the usually pale nobleman that he was. Noticeable only, because just a moment before – when he through away the ring – they had turned just as ashen as his vision.
Now... now they were colorful. He might as well have painted them in rainbow colors.

When finally Arthur's mind and heart calmed down – he noticed that something was significantly different right now.

The magic around him seemed to be grasping for something. Someone. Him.

Arthur blinked, still breathing heavily. After all – just a few seconds ago he had been certain he was dead.
He didn't need to reach out to the magic. Not really. It had already broken down the walls that kept his own emotions in check.

Had already filled him with life and amplified his feelings.
But it was peaceful and kind and warm and welcome.
There was no malice in this feeling. Arthur had never felt this loved by anyone. Not even his father. Especially not his father.

Uther's emotions had always been something else. What it was – Arthur couldn't tell. But he knew – this magic was of a pure nature.
This was unexplainable magic.
And Arthur needed it. He felt like a starving child who just found food paradise.
A thirsting man who had somehow found the life saving oasis.

Arthur didn't have it in him to resist, so he breathed in the magic. The magic that was already filling up his senses, his heart, his mind. He let it in to his pores, absorbed it and let it heal his wounds.
Small cuts and bruises he got from carrying villagers around healed shut – like they had never been there.
And his mental rage against his father turned to acceptance and blissful ignorance.

All his confusion suddenly turned to understanding.

Arthur opened his eyes and looked at Merlin, whose eyes were miraculously open.
"Arthur?", he muttered under his breath. He probably didn't know what he was doing. Or where he was. Or how he got here. But he could feel the connection to Arthur.
Arthur laughed. He had been so stupid.
Of COURSE, Arthur was the key to this all. How had he not seen this before? It was so simple. Their relationship. So... SO simple.

He walked over, closer to the table Merlin rested on. Arthur was still wobbly on his knees, but he was alive at least.

"Arthur?", Merlin repeated, lazily opening and closing his eyes, because he couldn't bear to keep them open.
Arthur grabbed for Merlin's hand and brought it up to his lips. Gently, he pressed a kiss to Merlin's roughed fingers.
Merlin's eyes widened and with it – a wave of color rushed through Arthur and the world. And Arthur knew that outside – even if just for a moment – for one wave – magic was reviving the world.

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