Reversed part 7 (finale)

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A.N.:// or so I hope.... I'm so tired XD


Arthur closed his eyes and tried to ignore the tremor in his bones.
"It's not my fault.", he said finally, breathing in. Breathing out.
"Everyone could have made this mistake. Everybody could have mistaken this sword for Excalibur. They are almost identical, apart from the inscription."
He took another deep breath.
"It's Uther's fault."

He opened his eyes, staring into the gray scaled landscape in the distance.
The magic was still pulsating around him. In a way it felt like he could hear his own blood rushing through his ears. His heart beat pulsing through his fingertips.
But it was the world around him that was beating and pulsating quietly. And yet – so so loudly.

"Uther did this. Uther killed the Dragon. NO ONE else would even attempt to do such a thing!", Arthur growled, rage narrowing his eyes to a murderous frown.
'He's not my father. Not anymore. I don't care if I have to give up the crown to Morgana.
But his reign has to end. HE has to STOP!', he thought to himself.
And he wasn't surprised that even in his own mind – he couldn't call this man his father anymore.

Arthur stared ahead into the darkness.
He had replayed this conversation multiple times. And every time his rage and hatred against Uther Pendragon seemed to rise even more than last time.
A long time ago, he had considered forgiving his father for all his wrongdoings.
There was no hesitation in Arthur, as he declined his mind this offer now.
This – this was too much.

He didn't know what Uther was doing this for. But no man was worth the entire mankind. No living creature was worth the destruction of magic. The death of a loved one.
No power in this world was worth the destruction that Uther's decision's had caused.

It has been two days. Hunith had been wrong. Merlin's magic wasn't calming down.
Quite the opposite, really. The colorless world got bigger and darker.
And the small bubble of intense color got brighter and more colorful. And seemed to be shrinking in to it's center. Alias Merlin.

Hunith was long outside the barrier. She hadn't moved an inch but the grays finally washed over her and she immediately fell unconscious.

Merlin however – he was the only colorful thing in a world of utter nothingness.

Well.... not quite. Not just Merlin.
Arthur too.

And that was a strange little riddle, wasn't it? How was it that Arthur Pendragon was neither affected by the colorful nor the colorless? He was sitting here, barely outside the bubble, feeling completely normal.

How was Camelot faring? Arthur looked at his hands. Hatred making him feel nauseous.
In a fit - a man with only questions and no answers tended to rage and get frustrated – he threw away the royal seal that marked him the crown prince of Camelot. It bounced of the wall right beside the window he had been looking through.
The silver ring he'd had since he was a child. The symbol of the Pendragon's – ironically a Dragon – embedded into it. The he didn't know kept him alive.
Kept his magic levels neutral. Collected magic if he needed more to survive, or kept it even, if he already had enough.


All of a sudden, Arthur choked.
It was – like he forgot how to breathe. Actively forgetting how to breathe. His hand rushed to his throat in panic, his eyes widening in shock.
Try to breathe out, hold your breath and then breath in without letting air pass your lungs. It feels like a vacuum on your ribs, a strain in your throat and an electrifying sensation spreading through the back of your head the longer you hold your breath. That... just stronger is how Arthur felt.
The thing is that Arthur could not control his air ways. Instead, black dots started playing in front of his mind. He couldn't speak, could get out no tone, except a troubled screeching sound.
What feels okay for a few seconds, becomes painful and outright torturous the longer it goes on.

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