This job would be done in the dark of the night when his species was the most efficient hunter, his ninja training adding to his many qualifications assisting in eliminating any foe quickly and quietly. For months he had studied the layout of the home he would be infiltrating and where you would be staying this summer. He didn't know what you had done. All he had were pictures and videos from his endless reconnaissance. If he was going to eliminate someone, he had to learn his prey well.

As he stalks nearby in the bushes, he ponders what this encounter will really be like. You were fucking gorgeous, of that he was certain, so this job might be a waste of a sweet ass. Who cared anyway...he'd be paid handsomely. Thankfully, you would be here alone, something you did every summer. His only worry was the security your father had placed. Jungkook had to admit it was one of the best he had encountered. Stalking up to the roof, he smirks, eyes scanning with excitement. If this was anything like video games, it was going to be fun.

You typically didn't like to go out and stay at your parent's lake house, but you'd been really stressed at school lately and thought it would be good to get away. Life had been coming at you in all directions, so you took the summer off and cut off all communication. Sitting on the porch you enjoy the calm and warm night. The weather was perfect, enticing you to go for a swim. You walk under the moonlight to the nearby lake to relax and enjoy the warm water. After about thirty minutes, you begin your trek back home.

Just as you reach the house, you notice your front door is open. You tended to be absent minded sometimes, so you let it go as a mistake on your part. You make your way up to your room to change out of your wet clothes. A security guard walks by and you roll your eyes to the high heavens at his presence. You couldn't understand why your father insisted on all of this security, how at risk were bankers? Since you can remember your father was in the money business from investments to banking. You always figured the security was an added measure against people who might want to steal from your family. Never in a million years would you have guessed your father was a murdering mob boss.

Jungkook stands behind the closet in your room silently watching you undress. If he thought your face was a distraction, your body was something else altogether. He had not anticipated you would go for a swim and while he played with the idea of drowning you, he thought a floating body would bring too much attention.

He had been denied a female since he made the decision to be what he was, and now, he wishes he had brought his seed out this morning during his shower. He grows in arousal and curses violently under his breath. Now was NOT the time. Once he took you out, he just had to bring proof that he had done the deed and be paid generously. He never failed any of these missions, always the one that was chosen above the rest for his efficiency.

You turn to grab clothes from your drawer to go shower and the view of your ass Jungkook was graced with in the moment was enough for him to want to say FUCK the money and take you right then and there, but he wasn't that vicious of a breed. He could have pounced on you then, silently steal your breath with a choking wire, but the raging hard-on he was sporting was affecting him too much. He decided to wait until you got in the shower to take care of you then.

The quiet sound of the shower relaxes your body further. Reaching for your phone, you connect your blue-tooth and turn on slow relaxing sounds to add to your peaceful moment. Even though you liked getting away, you certainly never liked being with strange men. Your father seemed to trust them with his life, but you could never get used to it. Monotonously you shower, taking care to massage your scalp as you wash your hair. A small moan escapes you as you enjoy the heat of the water and your fingers massaging your scalp. Soon the melody of the music causes you to move your hips to the jazzy rhythm. Body wash in hand, you begin to lather yourself completely creating a slippery surface to move your hands over.

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