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(I highly recommend having this in the ground while reading this prologue to help imagine what's going on)

(????'s POV, 1912)

    As I lay there, the sound of rain falling to the ground was heard... Wait, it's raining? But I was suppose to be dead... How come I'm still alive...? 

    Those were the thoughts that were going through my head as I slowly got up from the ground. How long was I passed out for? What time was it? Great, even more questions to annoy my mind with... What a pain... Not only were the thoughts annoying but so was the dizziness I was experiencing, was this an after effect from passing out? No... This wasn't a normal dizzy spell... It was something more than dizziness... 

    As I looked around my surroundings, I knew I was still in New York and the street was empty... A perfect place for a murder to happen or an attack... Is that what happened to me? Was I attacked? No, I'm sure if that happened I would be in the hospital by now... 

    As I try to find my way back home, the dizziness was still there but it was more like a headache than dizziness. Then once I finally got to the main street I decided to look at myself in the window of a closed shop, everything looked fine. However, on closer inspection,I noticed I had fangs and not like normal fangs... But vampire fangs. So I looked at my neck and there was a sight I wish I didn't see... Bite mark on my neck, specifically a vampire bite mark... 

    The worst part about it was the dryness of my throat like I haven't had a drink for hours or days... It was so painfully dry that I ended up collapsing to the ground on my knees, gripping my neck... Then I noticed how much I was breathing, almost like a panic attack... I was thirsty as hell... I needed something, anything... 

    Then, my mind thought of something... But why human blood...? Was it because I'm a vampire now? Although... Somehow, the thought was nice then, I get a scent of female blood close by... It was like I had 0 control over my body as I followed the scent... 

    Then I had no sense of control as I went towards her and find myself drinking her blood from her neck... It was warm and the taste was satisfying... As I pulled away, I find that the unnamed woman was dead as I drank her blood. But I also noticed that I was no longer thirsty... 

    What the hell happened before I passed out? I remember talking to someone but who was it? That was the answer I was looking for... Even if it will take me decades to find it... I will find the answers I'm looking for... 


Word count: 470 words. 

Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed reading the prologue to my story. I would love to hear your opinions and thoughts as well as suggestions and ideas for future chapters. Again, thank you for reading and so... Enjoy reading the rest of the story. 

If you would like to hear more about the story or updates about it. I do have a google classroom open for people who would like to interact with the story. The classroom code is y2qz3mx. I hope to see you there.  

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