They're clearly playing vide games!

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Adrien: Well I mean yhe-

Marinette: *blushes*

Adrien: *looks away*

Marinette: What o-other kinds of urges do you get?

Adrien: *raps a towel around his waist* You know...

Marientte: uh huh...

Adrien: In my defense you're literally both of my crushes.

Marinette: Fair

Adrien: [wait does that mean your feeling the same way?]

Marinette: What do you like about... Ladybug?

Adrien: Oh you're brave during akuma fights. Your so skillful and beautiful. And as Marinette, You're sweet, funny, cool, amazing at designing clothes, You're cute, I love you, and fairly more pretty because I can see all of your face.

Marinette: ...

Adrien: you're not speaking.. DId-did I say something wrong? I'm sorry...

Marinette: No.. but you think so highly of me and I'm scared I'm gonna let you down..

Adrien: How would you do that?

Marinette: I'm clumsy, and I get jelous sometimes, and I'm really creepy!

Adrien: What do you mean?

Marinette: I just have so many flaws-

Adrien: No- I meant what do you mean you're creepy?

Marinette: I'm a little stalkery...

Adrien: [why did that just make me significantly more excited??] yeah like what?

Marinette: Like putting your cologne on my pillow so it smells like you're sleeping next to me...

Adrien: Yeah? What else do you do?

Marinette: This is fairly illegal but I- Kinda... Watched you through your window one time...

Adrien: me change.. and get naked?

Marinette: No! It was when you were with Lila...

Adrien: Ohhh..

Marinette: mhh.. but that was just because I was scared for you.. And I know it's in excusable!

Adrien: no.. it's okay..

Marinette: what do you mean it's okay?? That's bad! I need some type of punishment..

Adrien: I can give you some type of punishment.. *smirks*

Marinette: hmm?

Adrien: *Shoves his pelvis on to hers forcefully*

(They have swimwear on)

Marinette: *out of breathe* A-Adrien? Huh~

Adrien: mhh~ yeah? *kisses her collar bone*

Marinette: ah~

Adrien: that feel good?~

Marinette: yeah~ yeah!~

Adrien: hehe~ you're pretty kitty's enjoying this too~ mhh~ *nibbles her ear a little*

Marinette: mhh~ *turns around and let's him pull her body back into him to kinda spoon her*

Adrien: ah~ you're so pretty.. I love touching you Marinette.. it's making me wanna-

Adrien's water proof phone: bring bring.

Adrien: *answers*
Hello? *continues kissing*

Marinette: huh~ uh~ mhhhh~ ah~

Nino: hey dude, you wanna go to the movies..

Adrien: uh~ *kiss* umm..

Marinette: ah~ ah~ mhh~

Nino: Hello dude?

Adrien: ah~ *kiss* ah~ *whispers* oh **** I'm getting ****~

Nino: ..

Adrien: I'm pretty busy... right now do you think we could-

Marinette: ah~ mhh~

Adrien: reschedule for another time? *kiss*

Marinette: mhh~ kiss me here..

Adrien: mh~ *kiss* that good?~

Nino: umm.. do you think you'll be not-busy later today?

Adrien: no.. I-I can see this going on for quite a bit.. *kiss* hm~

Marinette: hehe~

Nino: are you hanging out with Marinette?
What are you guys doing?

Adrien: umm.. we're playing video games.. she's getting really good..

Marinette: aaahhhhhh~

Adrien: ah~ yeah keep going~ louder~!!

Nino: that doesn't sound like video games..

Adrien: k.. well we're trying to defeat a big hard boss..

Nino: you two are ****ing aren't you?

Adrien: ah~ *kiss* no.. we're just hanging out..

Nino: okay well I'm gonna let you guys make out and what not.. tell Marinette I said hi.. bye dude..

Adrien: yeah.. *kiss* bye Nino.. *hangs up* Nino said hi. *shoves his tongue all over her neck* ahh~ mmhhh~

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