Chapter Forty-Two

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 POV Alec

He couldn't believe that everything was over now. All demons had vanished together with Asmodeus and Magnus had his magic back but while everybody in the room was celebrating their victory there still was a feeling of uneasiness inside of Alec that just wouldn't leave him alone.

What if Asmodeus would come back again? What if the next problem was already waiting for them somewhere? After all what had happened within the last few days it was hard to believe that everything was really fine now and Alec didn't like the thought that he couldn't possibly know what was still lying ahead of them in the future. Almost losing Magnus was one of the scariest things he had ever experienced and he wasn't sure if he would be able to go through something like that again. Even now he still felt tense and it took all of his effort to stop his hands from shaking.

Of course he had already known that being together with Magnus and living in the Shadow World wouldn't always be easy and that it would probably change his entire life but only now that he had experienced the dangers his boyfriend had warned him of at first hand he really understood how serious all of this was. The dangers of the Shadow World were on a whole other level than everything Alec had ever been confronted with until now and even though he definitely didn't want to go back to his old life before Magnus he started to worry.

Was he really made for something like that? Would it even be possible for him to stay together with Magnus permanently? In contrast to Cat and the others he didn't have any special powers so he couldn't really defend himself against the supernatural threats out there and the thought that he constantly needed to be protected by somebody else instead made him feel very uncomfortable.

Maybe it would be better for Magnus to have somebody at his side who was stronger than he was. Somebody he didn't need to worry about all the time and who didn't need his protection ...

Alec was so lost in his thoughts for a moment that he almost jumped when he suddenly heard a voice right next to him, asking if he was alright. He turned his head and was more than surprised to see Thara standing right next to him.

Shortly after the demons had vanished she had been waking up again and according to Cat she should be alright now. Thara didn't remember every detail of what had happened but she remembered trying to fight against the demon who had been possessing her. Apparently the spell Magnus' mother had used in order to get the demon out of her body again could only be one hundred percent successful if the person in question wasn't completely corrupted by the demonic powers yet. Even though Thara couldn't prevent the demon from using her body she had never stopped fighting against his influence and if Alec had understood everything correctly that was exactly what had saved her life in the end.

"I totally understand if you don't want to talk to me but I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry about what happened" she said when Alec didn't answer her question immediately and her facial expression left no doubt that she was telling the truth. She looked extremely exhausted and Alec couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

The whole situation was kind of weird and it seemed like Thara was already about to turn around and walk away again, probably thinking that Alec wasn't going to accept her apology anyways, when he finally managed to say something that made her stop again.

"It's alright" he said. "I'm not angry at you." He paused for a moment. "Or at least I think so."

"I really didn't mean to hurt you. Or anybody else." Her voice was hoarse and she sounded guilty.

"I can't deny that it wasn't a very great day for me but it wasn't your fault. That demon controlled you so you're not really responsible for what you did and what you said."

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