Chapter Thirty-Five

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Hi guys. I just wanted to say Thank you to everybody who is reading this story. You have no idea how much that means to me. I saw that the comments got less with each new chapter recently and I just hope that it's just a conincidence and that you still like the story even though some trouble is going to come up for Magnus ... I'll also try to reply to your comments more often but I'm pretty bad at social interaction (even online) so please don't think that I'm ignoring the comments I haven't replied to. I have read them all and they mean the world to me so don't be shy to tell me what you think (constructive criticism is also welcome of course) 

POV Alec

Surprisingly Alec felt pretty good when he woke up in the morning, even though he had been sleeping in a rather uncomfortable position on the armchair in Magnus' living room. He had thought that his back would hurt like hell once he woke up again but it didn't. Physically he felt good but mentally he was still concerned about Magnus and his worries almost didn't let him find any rest in the evening before.

After Magnus had dozed away Alec had covered him with a thick blanket so he wouldn't be cold. Izzy had called and asked him if he would come home but Alec answered in the negative. After what had happened to Magnus he couldn't just let him alone like that. Also he knew that the danger wasn't over yet - Cat wouldn't have insisted on Magnus staying home if it were otherwise.

What if something happened while Alec was gone? What if his wounds started bleeding again and he was too weak to get his medication? No, he couldn't possibly risk that. So Alec had decided that he would stay. He had received an E-Mail from their school a couple of hours ago in which Ms. Blackthorn informed them that the damage on the heating was more severe than they had initially thought and that it would take more than just one day to fix everything, meaning that school would still be closed tomorrow so that wasn't a problem. Also the headmistress had apologized for not having informed the students about the situation earlier and that the damage had only occurred on that day, shortly before the lessons were supposed to start.

Alec stretched his arms and stood up in order to check on Magnus. He walked over to him and let out a sigh of relief when he saw that he was still sleeping, his breath regularly and his face relaxed, not twisted in pain.

Alec looked down on his boyfriend and suddenly he had a lump in his throat. He swallowed and gently ran his fingers through his boyfriend's hair, careful to not wake him up by accident.

"Please get well soon" he whispered hoarsely. "I wish I could help you with this but I don't know how. You have always been so strong Magnus so please try to stay strong through this as well. I'm sure that everything is going to be fine in the end."

Alec pulled his hand back and bit his lip. Actually he wasn't sure if this at all and it was killing him. He couldn't know how this would end and he was scared as hell that maybe there was no way this could be fixed.

It felt awful that he couldn't do something but he trusted Catarina to do anything she could to make Magnus feel better again.

For a moment Alec was just standing in front of the sofa and watched Magnus sleep. The sun was slowly starting to rise outside and shone through the curtains, making his boyfriend's brown skin look golden in its light. He looked so beautiful that it took Alec's breath away for a moment. The blanket he had covered his boyfriend with had slipped off him almost completely during his sleep so Alec could see a part of his bare back and his shoulders.

Seeing his scars made him feel terrible and he wished there was a spell that could just make them disappear so they wouldn't hurt Magnus any longer. He had been through so much pain already and it wasn't fair that this was happening to him. Nobody deserved something like this and especially not him - probably the kindest creature Alec knew.

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