Chapter Ten

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POV Alec 

When he stepped outside Alec couldn't help but look over to Magnus's house for a second and he silently wondered if their neighbour was already at home again or if he still was at school. He didn't remember the exact time when the library closed so it was possible that he wasn’t back just yet.

To be honest Alec was still very confused about what had happened at school today. Maybe he was just being stupid again but he somehow felt like Magnus had been flirting with him and he really didn't know what to think about this. A part of him was really happy about it cause it didn't happen very often that somebody paid particular attention to him in the first place but on the other hand he was almost certain that Magnus didn't actually mean it in the way Alec wished he would. 

Alec didn't know very much about flirting - actually he didn't know anything about it if he was being honest - but there were a few things he had noticed over the past few years by watching Jace interacting with girls.

Jace apparently was very good at flirting and he also did it very often but there had also been quite a lot cases where Alec had been convinced that Jace was interested in somebody but in the end it had turned out not to be the case and that he had just tried to be friendly instead. 

Of course Alec didn't think that Jace was doing this intentionally - he rather thought that he didn't realise that some people could maybe interpret his way of being nice as something different. He was so used to being charming all the time that he probably wasn't aware of how flirty he sounded to someone who wasn't very experienced with this whole stuff. 
And with Magnus it probably was exactly the same. After all Simon had told them that he was a very charming person so Alec’s theory could definitely be true. 

In his opinion this whole flirting business was pretty stupid anyways. How on earth was he supposed to know whether people were just being very charming and friendly with him or if they really had serious interest? He wasn't a psychic after all. Alec couldn't read minds so how should he know what the other person's intention was when they didn't tell him? 
He had actually read some articles about this topic a few years ago because he had been so confused about all this stuff and the authors had always claimed that there would be specific signs that indicated romantic interest. In theory most of the things they said sounded quite logical but Alec quickly found out that he just wasn't able to see them in real life so nowadays he basically still was just as clueless as he had been back then.  

His siblings however were completely different. For them it seemed to be the easiest thing in the world to see all those signs and to tell whether a person was just being nice to them or whether they were interested in actually dating them. 

Why did humans behave in such confusing ways? Why couldn't people just tell Alec what they wanted from him straight away instead of always playing those cryptic games with him and making him a nervous mess cause he had no idea what the fuck was going on? 

“Hey you still with me?” Jace asked and elbowed Alec, interrupting his thoughts. “No offence but if you continue daydreaming like that our training session is going to be over very quickly.”

Alec rolled his eyes. “I'm not daydreaming. I was just thinking about something.” He grinned at his brother. “You know some people do that sometimes but you probably can't relate” he teased him.

“Hey!” Jace complained with a laugh and punched Alec’s arm. “I might be naturally blond but I'm definitely not stupid.” 

“Oh so your hair color is really natural? Doesn't look like it” Alec continued unimpressed.

“Whow okay now I'm offended” Jace said. “You can say about me what you want but I do not color my hair.”

Alec laughed. “That one really gets you everytime.”

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