Chapter Sixteen

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POV Alec

Normally Alec always saw it coming when his day was going to be shitty. He didn't know how but he always felt it right after first opening his eyes in the morning. It was like a gut instinct which told him that it would probably be better to just stay in bed and go to sleep again.

This time however it had been different. Alec hadn't felt anything bad or suspicious when he woke up but rather the opposite. He had been dreaming about having a date with Magnus and even though it wasn't real it made him feel like he was walking on air.

For a few minutes he had just been lying there with a big smile on his face and listened to the faint sound of chirping birds outside his window, thinking again how different living here was from living in New York. Here it was so quiet at night and in the morning that Alec had first felt kind of uncomfortable about it. There were no traffic noises or something like that and everything seemed so rural. In the beginning it had felt like there was something missing but by now he slowly started to enjoy the difference and it didn't feel as strange and unfamiliar anymore. Waking up like this was actually very nice and peaceful.

The peacefulness however had eventually found a very sudden ending this morning and now Alec was here, sitting in a hospital next to his mother and his arm hurt like hell.

He still couldn't believe that something as stupid as this had happened to him and he just wanted to die of shame. Also his mother was annoying him quite a lot because she was being exaggeratedly concerned about him and behaved like he would die at any second.

"Mom, I've already told you it's not that bad" Alec tried to convince her for what felt like the millionth time. "It's probably just a bruised bone."

"But you can never know ... maybe it's broken" Maryse contradicted, still looking as worried as before.

Alec sighed. Unfortunately that was also a possibility of course.

"But even if it is - wouldn't it be enough to just go to a normal doctor? I think they have way more pressing cases here in hospital."

Maryse was just about to answer when the doctor came in. She was a very nice looking woman and Alec liked her immediately. The name tag on her white coat identified her as Dr. Loss.

"Hi" she said with a smile on her face and looked down at her clipboard for a moment. "I heard there's something wrong with your arm."

Alec nodded, whereupon the doctor started asking more questions. "Can you still move it?"

"A little bit but it hurts."

"How did this happen if I may ask?"

Alec blushed, still embarrassed about his clumsiness but he probably shouldn't lie to the doctor so he told her the truth: "I just wanted to get up from my bed and got tangled up in my blanket so I fell."

"Oh that's really nothing to be ashamed about" the doctor said friendly. "Accidents like that happen all the time. Don't even get me started on how many stupid accidents I already had." She chuckled. "We have to x-ray that by the way" she then added, after quickly examining Alec's arm. "Which is great because we just got a new maschine and I'm dying to try it out. So you're going to be my test object now if you don't mind."

Alec grinned. "Okay. Sounds very exciting" he said.

"Oh it is" Dr. Loss assured him with a laugh. "Surely it's more exciting than the school lessons you're missing at the moment."

Alec could only agree with that.


About one hour later Alec and Maryse left the hospital again. Unfortunately his mother's instincts had been right and Alec's arm had really turned out to be broken. It wasn't a very complicated fracture though so he didn't need to be operated and was just wearing a plaster cast instead.

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