7| The Christmas Spirit

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Ayo if you haven't seen season 6 or 5 or whatever it was, there is a minor spoiler of sorts in here, so don't say I didn't warn you :)

"That's so stupid Chin! He gave me a piece of his damn liver, he's the reason I'm here and you think I should give him a gift card for Christmas?" Steve shrieked.

Danny was about to knock on the door but heard the conversation playing out between his two friends. He pressed his ear against the door.

"Why does it matter so much to you?" Chin snapped.

"He should have never given me that liver, I'll never be able to out-gift him!" Steve muttered.

"I'm sure you'll think of something," Chin replied.

"How about a tie? He likes ties, he wears them all the time," Steve said.

"Nope, I'm already getting him one,"

"Damnit Chin,"

There was some quiet that followed and Danny took it as the time to knock on the door.

"He's here," one of them whispered loudly.

"Yeah I am here, now open the door!" Danny shouted.

Steve popped his head out and grinned.
"Heeeeeyyyy budddy,"

Danny rolled his eyes and pushed past his partner. In the living room, Chin was sitting casually on the couch, sipping a beer. There was also an unopened bottle set out for him. Danny smiled to himself.

Steve sat down next to Danny as he always did but something felt off about it.

"What's the matter with you?" Danny turned to Steve so that they were face-to-face.

"There's nothing wrong, why would there be something wrong?" Steve's voice was rushed.

"Uh huh,"

The three men sat around for a few more hours, getting a little tipsy and talking about useless bullshit, the usual.

There was exactly one week and two days until Christmas. Steve was panicking about gifts. He didn't know what to give Danny, last year he got him an apron and a chef's hat. Now, those materialistic things were too... well, materialistic.

It felt like there was some kind of connection between them ever since the plane crash. In moments when he was slipping in and out of consciousness, he remembered Danny crying softly into his shoulder, demanding that he be okay.

Steve wasn't sure if it was a real memory or in his head. Despite the circumstances, there was something oddly comforting about how Danny felt against him.

It could have been so easy to give up, to let himself go that day in the hospital but there was someone there who was pleading with him and any God above for Steve to live.

How do you give a gift to someone after they gave you all that?

Steve decided to be honest.

*  *  *

The annual 5-0 Christmas party was at full blast, all their friends were packed into the office, people mingled and handed each other gifts.

Kono, Adam, and Chin were all laughing about something while Lou and Kamekono were yakking it up about food. This left Steve to his own devices. He was standing awkwardly by the door, waiting for Danny to come.

There was a little card in the back pocket of his cargo pants, waiting to be taken out.
He was getting restless, Danny was twenty minutes late and Steve had called him twice to no avail.

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