Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

Artemis opens the door after ten minutes and pulls me into the room. Lucy comes up to me and hops up and down. "What is there to do around here that is fun?" She asks and all attention turns to me.

"Well, it's your home. Why don't you find out." I tell her and poke her in the stomach, making her giggle.

"Sir Perseus?" An older voice comes from the door.

I turn to find a man of about 47 standing in the doorway. "Uh...yes?" I ask uncertainly.

"Who are you?" Artemis asks curiously.

"I am a servant in this castle. I am here to serve the needs of those who live here, Lady Artemis." He replies respectfully and stands at attention.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up one second." I wave my hands in front of me in a, 'Stop everything because I can't believe what I'm hearing.' "Since when do I have servants?" I ask seriously.

"Most gods and goddesses have them. I have to keepone in my palace to keep it clean, though I have tried many a time to relieve her of her duties. Father won't hear any of it." Artemis scowls.

"Lord Perseus, I-" The man starts.

"Oh no. None of that Lord crap. I don't like that title. Just call me Perseus if you must use my full name. Are you the only servant?" I interrupt him.

"Lord Perseus, I must address you as such because it is part of my job. Now I'll just do it to show my respect. There is only one other and she is the cook. A young woman of 32." The man replies.

I sigh in frustration. "Why is it always so much to ask that I not be called Lord?" I ask the ceiling. "Very well then. What are your names?" I ask the man.

He looks surprised then smiles at me. "I am Crichon and the lady is Naisha. She is trying to prepare breakfast for the Hunt. There are servants in all of your vallies ready to serve the residents."

"You're kidding." I deadpan and he shakes his head. "Olympus save me. I will pray to any deity just for them not to call me master. Just don't let it happen. This is bad, I like doing things myself, not being waited on." I groan.

"Lighten up." Atalanta elbows me in the side. "At least he's nice. You won't touch any of us will you?" Atalanta turns to the man.

"Of course not. It is against this household's moral code. Whatever Lord Perseus thinks is wrong, we do not do. It's in the entrance hall." Crichon points over his shoulder. "The only time I would ever lay a finger on you is to help you up or bind a wound if necessary. But Naisha will handle the majority of the injuries if the need arises. Or to catch you if you trip or something. That's the general idea. It's the same in all the households Lord Perseus has. I'm one of five male servants." I groan. "The other ten are women to assist the ladies of the areas. And each house has a servant of its own to serve the residents. From what I've heard overnight, all of us are being treated kindly. It's one of the rules." Crichon points over his shoulder again.

"A gossipchain. Lovely." I say and Crichon chuckles.

"Naisha heard from another cook over in the Valley of Guardians. Lord Jason is a lovely chap according to Martha, she is Piper's maid." Crichon says. A bell goes off. "That would be breakfast. Naisha is probably geting impatient already. Follow me." He says and we all come with him.

We enter the huge dining hall and all the girls fight over seats. A woman, I assume Naisha, comes out grinning at all the girls. She snaps her fingers and plates appear with food on them in front of all of us. I stand and walk over to Naisha and Crichon.

"Are you two eating with us?" I ask when I see four empty chairs.

They look taken aback. "We couldn't possibly-" Naisha starts.

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