Ill teach You ;)

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I walk down the hallways, loud music pumping from each room. It was unbearable... I just need a second to escape, my face feels hot and flushed. I look around to maybe spot an empty bench, or a open corner, anything really.
  Weaving around for a minute or two I finally spot a restroom. Hallelujah! I speed towards it and lock the stall door behind me. It was nice and quiet here, or at least as quiet as it can get. The bass kept bumping through the wall every second or so. Most times I can enjoy a bit of loud music, but it's a bit nerve wracking when there's people also moving around you and jumping with sweaty bodies. You can tell I'm not a fan of concerts.
  My legs prop up onto the toilet as I scrunch into a fetal position. I close my eyes and try to focus on something more relaxing... like a clear blue sky, blowing cool winds through my fur, butterflies fluttering past my whiskers.... then a fimillar voice fills my ears.
  "Haha, we should go have some fun after we clean that mess!" It was Kai, and it sounds like someone else. "Yeah, well I'll be doing some parkour in the parkour palace." Sounded like Tars, I could tell with his nonchalant tone. I unravel my limbs and push open the stall. Kai was shirtless, water running over his stained button up.
"Uhh, h-hey Kai..." I stutter, his body surprisingly slender for a canine. He turns over surprised," Oh! Jule, what're you doing here?" "Ya know, just needed some place to take a break." I say a bit awkwardly. I probably look like a looser. "Oh, you know you can just sit at the party room if you'd like a break, we plan to start the cake in a hour or two." He tells me helpfully." Yeah, I kinda got lost...this place is pretty big." I say a with sweat beginning to crawl over my skin.
"Oh, haha, yeah this place is pretty big. If you've got your phone on you you can text me where you are, and I'll give you directions in no time." He smiles. "Thanks, that'll help me out a lot." I reply to his offer. "Uhm, while we're at it, so you mind directing me to the bowling alley? It's a bit slower paced than any other activity here I think..." I ask in hesitation." Oh yeah for sure! It's out down to the left, and take another left to the big hallway, aaand you should spot a big sign that says, "Howling Alley"." He describes detailed instructions.
"Thanks. Where are you gonna be?" I ask him, wanting to maybe hang out with him at some point. He stops the water and winds the shirt to dry it off. "Oh, I'm hanging out in the party room helping set up stuff, but as you can probably tell a mess has been made, heh..." he awkwardly laughs it off, it didn't seem like he really wanted to be in the party room. "I plan on going to laser tag later though, you wanna join?" He looks at me with his eyes slightly gleaming in hope.
"Uh, sure... I mean I'm just kinda jumping all over the place..." I reply. Later tag does sound kinda fun. It isn't really chaotic, maybe a bit suspenseful and anxiety inducing, but otherwise it isn't crowded or very loud. "Cool. So... you off to bowling?" He asks, trying to keep the conversation from becoming awkwardly silent. "Yeah, I'll head out. Uhh, see you later!" I say as I walk out." See ya."
I step down the hallways, about down and desperate to get to "Howling Alley". Hope I'll find Lale in time for a game.

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