"Is he... is he your boyfriend?"

Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Should I tell him the truth?
Or the lie that I spread around the school?
Asdfghjkl, I hate this.

"N- no, he's just... m- my..."

"Oh, sorry for asking you out, I don't know you've had a boyfriend,"

"No, no, no, Ray. He's just... he's not my boyfriend..." I embarrassedly admit.



"But people at school s-"

"It was just a lie!"

"A lie?"

"Y- yeah... there's a reason as to why we pretend to be boyfriends when in fact... we're nothing," I carefully said. Ray stayed silent, his eyes wide and face washed over in shock.

"R- Ray?"

"Is that... is that the truth?"

"Yeah, so it's no problem that we go on a date today, I honestly feel so happy when you asked me out and I have lots of fun with you today, I prefer to be in an actual relationship. If you know what I mean..." I trailed off carefully, fingers fidgeting nervously.

"No, that's impossible! Why would I?"

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"Why would I date someone that's not Luke's boyfriend? Fuck, such a waste of time and money. If I knew this sooner I wouldn't ask you out,"

"Wait, what?"

"Luke took my boyfriend and I want to take his boyfriend as revenge so my boyfriend would come back with me,"

"E- eh?"

"I just want him to know the pain at being left by someone they love."

I watched him with wide eyes, frozen in place as my brain tried to take everything in. He smiled widely at me, carelessly shrugging his shoulder before speaking,

"Let's just forget this day, yeah? I'll see you later, Ash"

"W- what? Ra- Ray, you can't be serious, can you?"

"Did I stutter?" I gasped at how cold he suddenly is, watching the smirk went back on his face.

"Well, bye Ash."

"Not so fast, asshole!"

"E- eh?" I gasped again for the hundred times.

"I thought you're quite alike with me, seems like I'm not wrong,"

"Lu- Luke, what are you- what are you doing here?"

"Luke?" Ray asked dumbly. Luke pulled off his glasses and snapback, revealing his amazing blue eyes and tall-ass quiff.

"Revenge, eh? What a coward,"

"SHUT UP! You're the one that stole someone's boyfriend!"

"I don't recall stealing someone's boyfriend. Just so you know, it was your boyfriend that threw himself to me. He's not even my type," Luke said, a smug smirk was on his face as he shrugged his broad shoulder. Ray gritted his teeth loudly, clearly pissed at what Luke said. I grabbed Luke's shirt slowly, tugging at it a bit as I pleaded with my eyes. Please, let's just go. People crowding us, it's embarrassing.

"Aside from that, why don't you just talk it out with me instead of bringing Ash into this?"

"What? You wanna fight?"

"Nope, I don't like violence," Luke said, smiling that big smile of his. He turned his body to me and surprisingly the smile remained still.

"Let's go home,"

"O- uh, can you... can you wait a bit?" I hesitantly asked.

"Sure, but I'll stay here though,"

"O- okay..."

"He- hey, Ray? Was it all just a lie? Your kindness and everything I mean,"

"Your bad for being a dumb fuck that easily get trapped, I mean, you're desperate for a boy, right? I flirted with you and you fell for it, how easy."

"Ho- How dare you?"

"How dare I what? You're just an easy target, nothing but a desperate dumb fuck, a really ch-" And next thing I knew, Luke fist connected to Ray's jaw, knocking him harshly into the ground.

"What the fuck, dude? You said you don't like violence?"

"Yeah, and?" His icy blue eyes glaring sharply as if challenging the asshole to speak any further.

"I thought you weren't actual boyfriends?"

"We're not, but just so you know, he's mine; mess with him, you deal with me,"

Yeah, there...
A tiny bit of Lashton

Sorry for making Ash get hurts
But it need to be done :')

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