Chapter 7: A Mind Shrouded In Darkness II: For He Who Shoulders The Pillar

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When I was writing this, I honestly did not think I was writing this.
I know, I know. It sounds really weird. But let me explain.
For the longest time, I assumed I hated my book. This book. Everytime I thought about it, I didn't like it.
Then, I went back and gave it another try because I kept seeing comments popping on it. Can't believe we're over 4K views on it too...
I came to a conclusion: I didn't hate this book. I hated how I had written it.
My story was new. It was creative. It was also handled badly in my opinion.
Funny story, while I was thinking about ASToMTR and how I didn't feel like re-writing it, an idea struck me;
What if I didn't? What if, instead, I wrote it differently?
That's what I'm doing. Currently, I'm trying to figure out how I want to write that story while trying to figure out how to write this one.
The thing about this chapter is that while I write it, I think "man I could make this so much better."
"Man am I glad I don't have to do that."
So, please.
Enjoy the first proper update of ASToMTR since November 2019.

EDIT: Whoops, looks like I forgot something...


"Hey dad, who's that monster over there?" The teenage deer monster asked, question posed to his older parent. The words of his curious son did not reach his ears, being preoccupied with a report from one of his guards. The young deer tried again, receiving the response.
Annoyed, the deer turned to the humanoid goat standing next to him, the latter completely enamoured by the training session going on before his eyes. Sighing, the deer pinched the nape of the goat, knowing he hated that.

"Ow! What was that for, Mladi?!" The furry Boss monster whipped around; annoyance painted on his face. "The training fight was just getting to the good part!" In response, his nose met with a well-placed chop.
"You can get back to your fight later." Mladi Koza, monster heir to the Duke of the Vzhod region, spoke these words to his best friend with a calmer tone, hoping that the goat's stubborn-headed nature would calm down. His dad had told him that the Dreemurrs were all like that, joking that the late Darigore passed it down to King Relgore, who passed it down to Asgore. Either way, it could be hilarious or annoying. Right now, it was neither. "First, tell me who that guy is."
Asgore Dreemurr, monster heir to the Throne, glanced over at who his deer friend was talking about.

"Uh, who exactly?" Asgore asked, trying to filter out the pun as he attempted to track down the figure his royal opposite was pointing to. It wasn't easy, considering that the Gold and Silver of the Vzhod Royal Guard was blazing sunlight upon his sensitive eyes. But at last, he spotted the figure.

"That guy? Uhhh..." Asgore looked around for something to give him a clue, but no name came to match the black armoured monster that stood next to the Kings. Though, now that he looked closer...

The figure was dressed in a midnight-black armour shaded with a light-grey around the chest, the armoured neck and the thighs. Extruding from the shoulders were what could be described as a cross between mistletoe and crab claws in shape. They were bizarre to describe. Running down the arms were plating's with that same shading as before, slab on top of slab. The mask held in their hands was terrifying and awesome at the same time, with a second mask resembling a white skull with white pinpricks in the eye sockets-

"Wait a minute." Asgore blinked. "That's no mask."

"Correct, my young Asgore." An elderly voice came from behind the teens, who turned around at once. "Gerson!" They smiled, both growing up with the turtle as their guardian and grandfather-like figure. The force from their hugs nearly tackled the monster to the ground, ignoring the looks from some of the guards. Granted, they were both a head taller than their mentor.
"Hehe." The turtle matched their smiles with both eyes and mouth, embracing the two gladly. "Now then, what were you two doing?"

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