"(l-l/n)?" Midoriya quivers, getting a clear view of your eyes changing colors. Was this your quirk? Why was it suddenly on?


Bakugou roughly shakes your shoulders, snapping you out of your trance, and causing you to blink in confusion. Your eyes revert to normal, and he scans your face in concern.

"Katsuki? What's wrong?" you ask quizically.

Seeing his bewildered state, you quickly begin to worry and lightly hold the hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, why do you look so pale?"


"...red? My eye doesn't turn red though?"

The hothead stares at you in disbelief before groaning and sitting back on the couch.

"The fuck you mean it doesn't? It just did! Deku, you just saw that too, right?"

"Yeah," Midoriya mumbles, putting a finger on his chin to think, "hey (l/n), what's your quirk?"

Looking away, you chuckle sheepishly before answering, "Sorry...I don't really like talking about it..."

"Ah, no, no! I shouldn't have asked so abruptly," he stammers.

While the two of you continue to apologize to one another, a small smile appears on Bakugou's face.

You don't like talking about it. But you told him, didn't you? Didn't that make him better than Deku?

Yet, there wasn't just a sense of superiority: you trusted him enough to tell him about your quirk. Something in him felt proud, almost happy.

But, what was that red eye about then?

"Katsuki, you're smirking like an idiot," you whistle. "Kind of fits you though, right? Baka? Bakugou? Should I just call you Bakagou now?"


"Yours are even worse!" you whine. "Homeless kitten? Cat eyes?"


"STOP YELLING," Mitsuki yells from the kitchen.


"Now, now, let's not fight, right?" Midoriya's mom chuckles nervously.

The entrance door opens, and Masaru walks in.

"Yes, please stop arguing. I can hear you from outside," he sighs. "Inko-san, Midoriya-kun, (y/n), good evening."

He apologizes for being late and quickly heads to his room to change. You trot into the kitchen to help set the table, and the boys take their seats.


The dinner took about two hours, and by the time everyone finished talking, the moon was already up.

"Thank you for the meal," you bow as you leave the house with the Midoriyas.

"Katsuki! Go walk (y/n) home right now," Mitsuki orders.

"Ah no, it's okay. I need to go buy groceries anyways," you wave off.

"Plus, I need to think about what had happened earlier."

You have no recollection of using your quirk, but Bakugou and Midoriya had insisted that you did. They also claimed that your eye went red, but your quirk doesn't do that. There was no way for some light to reflect off your eye, and there wasn't any reasonable explanation.

"Alright then. Get home safely," Masaru smiles, and you nod, walking away towards the market.

The roads are empty because of the time, but you aren't complaining. You need the silence.

"First of all, I can't say that the boys were lying. They wouldn't joke about that either, so I have to assume that my eye actually did turn red. But why? My left eye isn't a part of my quirk; it's always my right. And why would my quirk even switch on there? Was it because I was angry? But there's no reason for me to get furious because it wasn't that big of a deal. Or was it a subconscious memory from an interview that made me so mad? I don't think I handled a case that had to do with bullying...

Wait. Why was Bakugou even bullying someone?

Is it really just because Midoriya is quirkless? Would Bakugou really bully someone for such a petty reason? Is that really the same boy who paid for my food, offered to tutor me, and comforted me? Why does it seem like he acts so differently at school? Is he being pressured into bullying? Or is he doing it by his free will? But the Bakugou I know is so caring? He may not show it, but it's definitely there. But he bullies Midoriya for a trivial reason?"

Sighing, you crouch in the middle of the road and hide your face in your arms.

"Then, which Katsuki is the real one?"

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