"Nothing.. just think it's funny you loosing your shit having to sit next to me when my fingers were literally inside you last night.."

The tone of voice strong and very much a plea to further piss the girl off... it was safe to say it worked however ... Lauren roll her eyes shuffling her seat further away from the girl before settling her hands over the desk pulling out her phone to deliberately respond to texts in perfect view of Camila's wondering gaze

After around half an hour of ignoring each other the woman out front allowed everyone to get on with their coursework while she marked some papers, Lauren happily lost herself in the detailed written statement below her while Camila entertain her friends who walk over to her side of the desk laughing and giggling loudly into the room

"Mila you have to try this! It's passion fruit and mango mix!"

Eva spoke handing over a large cup filled with a yellow ice substance that she happily sip between her lips, the whites of her eyes widening as the ice cold liquid sank down her throat

"Holy shit that tastes so good!"

She voiced out causing Lauren to turn her head subtly before the woman out front asked the girls to return to their seats, the elder quickly roll her pen over between her fingertips before placing the tip between her teeth lightly with a cocky grin

"Is that what you said when you left my dorm last night?"

Camila's head instantly turn towards the elder with a confused but still pissed off glare as she close the book in front of her

"Excuse me?"

"You know.. after you stuck your fingers in your mouth? The ones you were just talking about being inside of me?"

Lauren reply just under a whisper as the woman started to speak once again, both girls made sure to keep looking out front as much as possible to avoid anyone asking why they were so frequently conversing.. it was enough they were even sitting together reluctantly ... Camila's mouth hung open slightly almost embarrassed as she realised she'd been caught

"I don't know what you think you saw Jauregui but that wasn't it!"

Lauren stood from her chair shrugging her shoulders as she grab for the papers in front of her ready to take them to the front of the class for marking but just before her legs began to move her head lent in subtly towards her ear pressing almost against the thick locks of brown hair

"You know Cabello, if you wanted to taste me all you had to do was ask!"

Camila sat shocked as the girl walked away, she felt a rage so deep she wanted so desperately to scream across the room but her conscious pulled her back reminding her of the sweet taste she actually did regardless of her lie indulge in ... she would be the worlds biggest liar if she said she hadn't thought about that brief taste at least 3 times today... not just that but in the moments previous to her leaving when Lauren lift her hips to her face ... the hot muscle only for a second running through her folds had almost been stapled to the front of her mind.. it was a feeling like no other and much to her annoyance she craved it ...

Lauren's body fell back into the seat after a few moments the sweet waft of her strong perfume filling the angered girls nose as she played for another attempt at revenge, she slip her hand under the desk as everyone pay attention to the front, the fact they sat right at the back only making things easier

"Just so you know, if I wanted to taste you... I wouldn't need to ask.... that's not my style!"

She spoke before her fingertips reach delicately over the elders uncovered thigh, the sudden jult that came with the shock sensation only eliciting a smug grin from Camila that sat behind her balled fist now propped in front of her face, Lauren couldn't say even a single word as her brain had become stuck in pause mode.. she couldn't believe the confident girl was being so bold and blatantly obvious.. if someone were to merely glance behind them they'd see the wondering hand now floating dangerously close to Lauren's centre

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