Chapter 20 Jackson

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I nod and walk past her and out into the darkness. I know the happiness that I felt around Blondie was going to fade as soon as I left her presents. And it did.

My engine roars satisfying me. There's still dry blood on my steering wheel, but I choose to ignore it. I light a cigarette and inhale as deeply as I can. My whole body hums from the calmness that washes over me.

As I pull into the driveway of the house, regret and guilt storm my mind. I feel horrible for talking to mom like that. She messed up and so did I. I can't help but still feel anger towards her. I don't think I'll ever forgive her truly.

I slowly twist the knob and reluctantly push myself inside. 1...2...3...4...5... I repeat the numbers in my head to focus.

My eyes fall upon my small mom. Her sobs bounce off the walls and into my ears. A tall bottle of whiskey is sat next to her halfway drank.

She doesn't even realize that I'm here so I cautiously approach her. I bend down to her level and stare at her blankly. Her head is in her knees and her body is shaking from crying. Her hair is matted down to her face from her wet tears.

My arms wrapped around her tiny frame. It's the first time I've given her a hug in years. "Jackson?" Mom asks weakly. I ignore her and push her face into my chest.

Her arms wrap around my back and she grips onto my jacket. "I-I'm so s-sorry," she sobs into my chest. I rub circles into her back. I'm sorry I can't forgive you...

"I know..." I say to her. I know she feels awful, but what she did was horrible. I didn't even think she was capable of doing that.

"I'll never do it again. I'm the worst mom." She sobs even harder. I shush her and pull her tighter to me. I play with her black-brown hair as she makes my clothes wet from the tsunami that's flooding her eyes.

"Jack?" A small voice asks from the darkness. Charlie appears with tears of her own and I let go of mom and rush over to my tiny princess. I sweep her off her feet and take her up to her room leaving mom on the floor.

Her pink room burns my eyes so I switch off the light. She has a twin size bright pink bed with stuffed animals littering it. Fairy lights hang around her room as do her drawings.

I set her on her bed and wipe her tears away. "Why are you crying baby?" I ask furrowing my brows.

"Y-your weren't coming back," she cries. I ruffle her hair.

"I'd never leave you, Charlie," I shake my head and pinch her rosy cheeks. She smiles brightly and my heart swells. "You need to go to bed," I say pushing her stuffed animals to the corner of her bed.

"Only if you stay," she says patting my head.

"No Charlie," I say sternly. And she gives me puppy dog eyes. "Fine," I huff and push her over to make room for my tall ass.

"Where did you go?" She asks playing with my curly hair.

"Blondie's," I tell her, and her eyes light up.

"Blondie is your girlfriend?" She asks.

"No Charlie," I say staring at her bright fairy lights.

"Yes she is," she giggles as I tickle her.

"No Charlie, go to bed," I say covering her eyes with my hand. She tries to pull my hand off her face but fails so, instead she licks my hand. "Ew Charlie, that's disgusting," I say crinkling my nose.

"I love you, Jack," she says curling up next to me. I pull up her pink blankets on both of us and in seconds she out like a light.

"I love you, Charlie," I whisper before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.
"Jackson, bud. It's time to get up," dad's voice says waking me up. I immediately shoot up and wipe my eyes. I look over at Charlie's tiny limbs sprawled out. Her dark hair is in knots from rolling around all night.

"There's cereal if you're hungry," dad says fixing his suit. I nod before he walks away. Dad has always been awkward around me, but it wasn't always like this. He used to be my favorite person in the world and I was his. Then I got taken and when I came back everything was different. I was gone for 3 years of course things were different. But that doesn't mean we didn't try. I just couldn't speak.

I slowly get out of Charlie's bed and make my way down to the basement. Once I make it to the bathroom I strip from all my clothes. The warm water coats my body and I lather my hair with shampoo, conditioner, and my body with soap.

I wrap the white towel around my waist and pad across the hardwood floor. I change into a white t-shirt, jean jacket, black ripped jeans, and lace-up my black high top converse.

My backpack is heavy on my back as I leave the house to my car. I twist the key and the engine growls in response.

On the way to school, I see a blonde girl on the side of the road. I immediately recognize her as Blondie. Before I think I find myself pulling over next to her.

I Was AbductedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin