poppin in cuz i gotta question

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i asked two people in the comments of one the MGK chapters that if i made the book, should it be a reader insert or should i make a character.

and i ended up with split answers 1 voted for the reader, 1 voted for make a character.

Now in the event i make a character i already have a face a claim.

But i wanna know how the rest of yall feel.

it honestly just comes down to how many comments this gets and what choice is picked the most.

Cuz the default decision was and will always be i make a character for the story.

But i wanted yall opinions first, before doing anything.

So its up to yall:

For the MGK BOOK (The same storyline in the imagine just in its own book)

Do we

A) Want a new character
(face claim/OC)


B) Reader insert like the imagines in this book?

im taking votes till next Wednesday. so hopefully thats enough time, right?

make sure to comment which one you want or think i should pick.

If this doesnt get enough or any votes at all imma just default it to the faceclaim.

thats all.

sorry for not updating recently,  quarter one of school is almost up for me. Sophmore year is almost 1/4 finished. 3 more quarters to go.

But im tired, exhausted even. Damn near falling asleep as im typing this tbh💀.

thats all i wanted to announce tho.

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