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"Well kids, welcome back to training. However this is a different kind of training. You guys already know how to kick ass, I learned that when you nearly ruined my back." Meggy nervously laughs.
"We're still sorry about that..." One of the twins whispers.
"It's ok, Tilly." Meggy assures her "but today's training won't ruin my back! It'll be more...emotional....kinda."
Alex turns around and tries walking away "whelp nevermind, it was fun here, but I ain't having that shit." In response, Koral grabs him by his wrist and pulls him back "get back here, edgelord." Alex just groans audibly, not really doing well with emotions.
Meggy continues her speech "...and since emotions aren't my strongest suite, I brought my wife! She's amazing with emotions."
"Hello, you guys!" Tari cheers, smiling at them.
"Hi mom!" Desti cheers from the group.
"Hello Mrs. Spletzer!" Eva chimes in.
"Tari are you willing to explain the exercise we'll be doing today?" Meggy asks.
"Of course honey" Tari smiles. "So today we'll be working on your relationships between one another. Why is this important? Well millions of reasons but the one relevant here is that you'll all be working together, even if it's in separate rounds, so you'll have to find common ground between one another. First, get next to who you get along with most."
Desti immediately jumped onto Eva, knocking the two over. They laugh it off, giving each other a peck on the lips before getting up.
"I see you two finally tied some knot" Warrior brings up, getting close next to Alexis.
"Oh your together? Congratulations you two!" Tilly cheers, holding non-fused hands with her twin.
Alex slowly tried holding Koral's hand to just be an ass, only for Koral to slap his wrist.
"Your no fun, inkto." Alex laughs.
"Alright!" Tari smiles, seeing them all in groups of 2. "So, these are your duos. Now...let's take turns describing your friendships. Desti, Eva, yours is easiest so how about you go first."
"Well, Eva and I are proudly together and no one can take her from me!"
Eva giggles at Desti's description, only to be pulled close, her cheeks flushing red.
"And I mean every positive word I say about us" Desti smirks.
Tari gives them a thumbs up, looking at Warrior and Alexis.
Alexis pipes up to explain "Well, aside from the fact that we live together, Warrior is my closest friend, and he's saved me countless times."
"And you give me company when I could otherwise be completely alone...so thank you" Warrior smiles, putting his arm around Alexis.
Tari then looks at the twins, smiling.
"Well...I guess you could immediately guess that since we're connected siblings...were automatically in with one another..." Millie shrugs, getting interrupted by her sister.
"Millie is the greatest twin you could ask for. She's there for me whenever I need her, physically and emotionally! And you should cuddle with her, it really helps you sleep." Tilly smiles.
Millie gets a light smile on her face hearing what her sister had to say about her.
Tari found it adorable how Tilly described her sister, looking at Koral and Alex.
"...what?" Alex asks, Koral hitting him in the chest. "Oh fuck right the exercise uh-"
Koral just sighs "we-"
"We're dicks to each other and we enjoy every moment of it" Alex smirks.
"...he isn't wrong." Koral shrugs.
"Great to see you all have...somewhat positive relationships." Tari nodded slowly. "But...forget that. Except the twins for...obvious...reasons."
Millie awkwardly gives Tari a thumbs up.
"Let's mix up your teams." Tari grins, thinking for a bit. "Desti and Warrior."
Warrior slowly pulls away from Alexis "you got this, girl."
Alexis slowly watches him walk over to Desti.
"Alexis and Alex."
"I can get down with that" Alexis shrugs, getting close against Alex.
"I know you can stretch in ways beyond my physical understanding but can you stretch away enough to give me personal space?" Alex asks.
"No!" Alexis laughs, giving Alex his personal space anyway.
"Oh boy..." Alex rolls his eyes.
"Now...Koral and Millie and Tilly and Eva."
Eva slowly walks up to Tilly, smiling. "Hey, that dress looks nice."
Tilly smiles "thank you..I like your...fake ears."
"Oh Desti gifted them to me. Because animals are amazing." Eva chuckles.
"They are, especially the fluffy ones.." Tilly giggles.
"Now...disband and spend some time talking." Tari instructs.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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