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Noun: something one remembers from the past / a recollection.

Association: something the SplatFreaks often think about...


Alexis stares at her home, sighing. She'd spent her life in that house, and it gave her plenty of harsh memories from the youth.
Her self image faded out to make way for the past in visuals...

A very young Alexis, around 9, is standing outside the tent, stretching her legs. She leaned on the red and white large stripes of the tent, looking up at the little flags that said "circus".
She was finished her act, a contortionist.
The exhaust on her face, still in partial training for her act. Her limbs were worn out for their age, stretching too much was apparently bad for your limbs.
She didn't mind the life, her trainer was nice, and the circus gave her breaks when she needed it, and food and water. They even let her pet the animals.
Though sometimes she did wish she was normal, in a normal job...
Like all the other squiddos..like all the big grown up squids.
She looks down at the grass before her attention being called up.
"Hey!" a kid calls, looking at her "Circus act!"
Alexis looks up, confused "yes...?"
The kid smirks "what made you decide to be a freak!?"
Alexis whimpers and looks away, trying to ignore them. This wasn't the first time, and maybe if she didn't give them the reaction, they would eventually go away.
They never did.
The kid picked up a rock and threw it at her, cutting Alexis's chest. She yelped a childish "ow!" and held her hand over the bleeding cut, a few tears coming from her eyes.
The kid kept throwing rocks at her, only giving her more bruises and bleeding scratches around her body.
She didn't like it...
Alexis curled into a ball, trying to protect herself from any blows to the body.
Suddenly she hears a voice.
Lifting her head and sitting up, she sees her friend fighting off the child.
It was a tall, newly 14 inkling boy with blue hair, wearing a tuxedo and bowtie.
He looks at the other kid. The kid gets scared of the older boy and throws a sharp rock at his face, giving the older one a large, bleeding wound right under his eye.
He holds onto it. He barely felt the hit, but still growled, grabbing a rock and throwing it like a frisbee back at the child, scaring the young boy away.
Alexis hugs him "Thank you Levi!!"
The boy hugged back, petting Alexis's head and wiping away any blood he saw.
The two were very close. He came to all her shows and made sure no one hurt her.
"Maybe a more suited name for you would be...Warrior..."

Alexis's flashback ends as she whispers 'Warrior..."
She couldn't hide back her tears, remembering how she was treated.
Warrior comes up from behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and rocking her back and forth gently. "Its alright, Alexis...those bad boys are gone, ok...?"
Alexis starts crying and hugs Warrior tightly, crying into his chest.
Warrior sighs and pets her head, lightly touching the scar under his eye. He remembers the incident clear as day. Not from the pain, which he couldn't feel anyways, but from her pain. All the crying...the cuts, the bruises, the blood...all on Alexis...he could remember it clear as day.
It hurt to think about.

"Maybe we can go revisit the circus later, and say hello to your old trainer..." Warrior sighs "How's that sound?"
Alexis lifts her head and nods slowly "im sure he'd be happy to see me..."
Warrior nods and holds her hand "c'mon, anymore crying and you'll hurt your eyes"
Alexis chuckles, wiping her tears.
They both walk inside the home, wanting the day to pass by.

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