Everything you need to know about the other world

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-The name of the other world where our main character got reincarnated.

Boundary Force
-The basis of every magic in this world.
-Also called as Mana or Magical energy.


Human Kingdom
-Kingdom of humans where every humans lives.
-Been at war on the Demon Kingdom for hundreds of years.
-Ruled by a very young king.

Demon Kingdom
-Kingdom of Demons.
-Been at war on the Human Kingdom.
-Ruled by the Demon Queen.

Beastmen Kingdom
-Kingdom of Beastmen.
-A neutral country.
-Ruled by the Beast King.

Elven Kingdom
-Kingdom of Elves.
-Cast themselves outside the world and lived in the forest.
-Home of the Beautiful Elves.😉
-Also home for the Spirit of the Forest/Fairies.

Dwarven Kingdom
-Kingdom of Dwarves.
-Home of the best smiths on the world.
-Neutral country.

Mermaid Kingdom
-Kingdom of Mermaids.
-Can be found in the deeper part of the ocean.
-Ruled by King Neptune.


Human Race
-Fragile but intelligent.
-Thrive to survive.
-Easy to fool.

Demon Race
-Formidable opponent.
-Can change their form at their own will.

Beastmen Race
-Very skilled in close combat.
-Can change their form into beast form.
-Very friendly.
-CAT EARS!!!!!!!!

Elven Race
-Have a very beautiful face.
-Have long ears and golden hair.
-Lived along by the Spirit of the Forest.

Dwarven Race
-Short but can defend themselves.
-Very skilled in smithing.
-Can make a high quality equipment for the sake of booze.

Mermaid Race
-Can change their forms acquiring feet to travel on the land.
-Can fight very well in the water, but sloppy on the land.
-Have a very soothing voice.


Yahallo my lovely readers!

I'll add more information about the other world as the story continue.

I hope you like this book even if this is pretty bad.

Author-nim will update as soon as possible.

Stay Safe everyONCE!!!


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