She was just standing there staring.

"Really?" She asked. "Like what is he? How many greats back is that?"

"You used to own this house?" I asked.

"Yes. I built it," He said.

"At least four," I told Rachel.


"I'm sorry I didn't realize Jesse had any heirs. I was told he was the end of his line."

"Jesse Compton was our grandfather. Our mom left us his house when she died."

"Ow!" I heard someone yell. "Fuck. Bill, can I come out now?"

"Yes, Jessica."

A girl that looked a little younger than us came around the corner. "I heard everything! That's so cool that you guys are related! I'm Jessica by the way."

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"I love your hair," Rachel told her.

"Thanks! Whoa, you two are twins!"

"Yeah." Rachel laughed. "I'm Rachel and that stick in the mud is Lily."

"Thanks Rach for that wonderful introduction," I said sarcastically.

"Hey, do you want to go do something fun?" Jessica asked Rachel.

"Hell yes."

"I know this awesome vampire bar. It's pretty cool." Jessica stopped and turned to Bill, "Can I take her? Please? I'll introduce her to Pam and Eric."

"I think that's really up to her," Bill said.

"I'd love to go," Rachel said.

"Well what are we waiting for? I don't have all day."

Rachel dug through a box and found something to wear then ran upstairs and changed. When she came back down she was wear a little black dress with silver fringe hanging from the neckline. It was adorable.

"Bye!" They waved on the way out the door.

Once they were gone everything was quiet and peaceful I almost forgot Bill was there. When he spoke I jumped about a foot in the air. "You and your sister posses abilities don't you?"

I hesitated.

"Don't worry. No one is going to hurt you."

"Yes. We can both read minds and Rachel can occasionally see the future."

"My girlfriend, Sookie, is a telepath as well."

"Really? Besides Rachel I've never met another telepath," I had to admit I was a little excited.

"She works at a bar called Merlotte's, would you like to meet her?"

"Yes, of course."

"Are you ready to go now?" He asked.


We were getting ready to leave. "Lily, I know you were able to read my mind."

I stopped moving. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I didn't even know what you were yet."

"It's ok, but other vampires won't think so. I'll try to protect you from them."

"Thank you."

"Now, shall we go?"


Jessica pulled up out front of a bar called Fangtasia. "Ready to go?" She asked.

"How do I look?" I asked. She leaned over fixed a smudge on my lipstick.

Look Before You Leap [True Blood]Where stories live. Discover now