18: Missing Information

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There was chaos at the table. "Why the fuck did you do that, Bill?" I hissed.

"To protect you. You were becoming too interesting; they wouldn't stop chasing you if you became any more valuable. The next step you were going to take was trading yourself for us, don't lie and say you weren't."

"If you're both dead I won't have anyone to stop them from taking me, will I?"

"Would both of you shut up?" Eric mumbled. I glared at him.

"Perhaps we should consider their proposal," Kibwe said. "Lily presented a valid argument."

"That was before we knew Russell Edgington was alive!" The kid yelled. He seriously had some anger management issues he needed to work out.

"They have their own way of getting things done and it has worked on Russell before. Best case scenario, Russell receives the true death. Worst case, Mr. Compton and Mr. Northman receive the true death and it's up to us to take care of Russell," Salome said.

"It works in our favor either way," Kibwe said. The Texan vampire started in on an argument with Kibwe and soon the table was a mess of unintelligible yelling again.

"Chancellors! Thank you, that will be all," Roman said. He dismissed all the vampires except for Salome. "Russell is the biggest threat to mainstreaming we've ever been presented with. He has become a hero for the Sanquinistas; it's sick what vampires in this day and age will admire. They must be stopped. Russell must be stopped."

"We'll bring him in," Bill said.

"Or die trying," I finished quietly. Roman snapped his fingers and three guards appeared to lead us away.

We were taken into a room full of fancy looking gadgets. Our bindings were cut and I was placed in a chair while Bill and Eric were stood in the middle of the room. We were like little marionettes being pushed and pulled everywhere.

A vampire who didn't look all that much older than me, in human appearance of course, entered and began going through things. "I've heard a lot about you three. I'm Molly by the way, the Authority's resident gadget girl. Here," she handed Eric and Bill two cross looking pendants on straps. "Take your shirts off and put these on." I couldn't help but admire Eric and caught Molly doing the same. I raised my eyebrow at her and she shrugged. "Hey, not my fault you pick 'em good."

"What does that do anyways?" I asked.

"Wooden bullet right above their heart. I click this button," she said holding up her iPhone to show me a simply designed app with what else but a big red button. "And splat. Basically it's out insurance; it tracks them and gives us an easy way to dispose of them, if we need to. I really hope we won't need to, that would be a shame." She took another lengthy look at my boyfriend's abs and I rolled my eyes. "Speaking of which, arm." She took my arm and injected me with a syringe.

"Ow. What was that for?"

"That's your tracker. It's the only thing we could come up with that your faerie blood wouldn't reject. Did you know you're practically invincible to all strains of most major fatal diseases? I can't wait to work with you more in the future, you're so cool!"


I spent the day asleep for the most part, I was still recovering from the Ileana fiasco and on top of that Russell was back, but it was hard to get any good rest. I had already taken triple the recommended amount of sleeping pills but despite their claim of dreamless sleep I was plagued with nightmares reliving being abducted by Russell in Jackson and new nightmares of him finding me and hunting me down now. I should be safe in Alcide's house, my house now too, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't. Russell had gotten to me before while I was at Alcide's apartment in Jackson. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and got in my car and drove to where Alcide was working. Thankfully it was only ten minutes away because I was dozing off at every stop light. I would've crashed into the building if I hadn't been so surprised to see Debbie's parents that I slammed on my breaks. They were leaving just as I got out of the car and I walked over the Alcide felling a little woozy, maybe those sleeping pills were finally kicking in. "Wasn't that Debbie's parents?"

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