Chapter 19: Powerful

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      It was around 11 am, I was sat on the bed with hoodie playing some cards while masky was outside talking on the phone with god knows who. Hoodie hadn't won for awhile and everytime he lost he would huff and just shuffle the cards without a word. It seemed as if they were on edge because of the whole situation and it made enough sense that they would want out of here as soon as possible. Hoodie sighs and just sets his cards down while getting up and running a hand through his grown out hair, he looks down at me as I put down my cards and just smile gently at him.

     We kept eye contact for a while before he walks up to me and touches my hair, "You cut it so short...I liked your long hair". He mumbles as the door swings open and hoodies hand quickly retreats, I look up to masky as he walks in and just kicks the door shut behind him. "Are we packed up?" He asks as hoodie just nods and picks up the two bags they brought.

       "Good let's go, We're meeting up with kate and toby to update them on the location of the book", We then head out the back to the car, masky quite harshly opens the driver's side door before getting in, I just open the door on the side before scooting to my side, hoodie following in suit. I buckle in while masky starts the car and just goes, not even moving for the seatbelt.

     I sigh and look out the window the tall trees basking in the afternoon sun as they sway almost sickeningly with the hum of the beaten car you sit in.

  Deeper and deeper into this, you sigh gently and run a hand through your now short hair, feeling it fall back into your face a little and block the sunny cast that showered your face making you squint your eyes. You feel masky taking glances at you from the front, making you break from your lovely view and look to him catching his contact as he just looks at you with his normal grumpy ass face and look back to the road.

        "We're close we should get food", you hear hoodie hum from next to you, to which you just slowly nod and pull your legs up to your chest hugging them. Resting your chin in between them as you feel yourself get... bored, surprisingly these two seem less scary after not only learning there motives and seeing them both act upon them, I mean sure they've killed people and downright tortured you but they seem so calm that it settled a calming energy that gave room for feeling bored. So you take a somewhat deep breath and ask, "What's your favorite colors?".

     You swallow the lump that was forming before it could take away any and all confidence you have mustered. "Green", hoodie says Turning to you and giving a gently smile, to where you can see a gap between his teeth. You smile back, "Green? What an uncreative color", you say looking smug, He softly glares at you before sitting up more and straightening out "Ok then, what's yours?" He asks in a more snappy way, "(F/C)" you hum smiling, "As if that colors any better", he quietly scoffs, making you laugh before catching yourself and feeling yourself get a content smile.

     You and hoodie stare at eachother for a bit his face smug as you just scrunch your nose at him, "Mines red", you hear masky calmly say from the front seat making you look towards him, "And you said green was bad" hoodie whispers to you, you laugh softly and catch him quickly glare through the rearview mirror making you too shut up. "I think red is a lovely color masky", you say smiling at him through the mirror, you see him look to you and roll his eyes with the smallest of smile.

    The rest of the drive to a small little gas station was quiet and calming, the car pulls up and masky rolls up all the windows and looks back to you. "Here", he hands you sun glasses and a face mask, you put them on. "We don't want anyone else noticing her or this will be harder than it needs to be", Hoodie nods as they both leave and you just lay down in the back seat to hide yourself a bit more.

      The back of the car had dimmed windows which made it easier to hide and block out the sun which was grand annoying today, your just chilling back until you hear a bit of commotion come from a couple cars that pulled up next to you. You decide not to look up or anything, as to not draw attention to yourself until you hear the signature "GET ON THE GROUND NOW" and you feel your blood run cold...... cops..... you  stay down and peek ever so slightly through the window and see a couple cops around a person with hands behind there head, on there knees.

     The cops were speaking into there pagers while this man sat on his knees, before they just open fire next to the man and almost hit him, the man only stayed didnt even move to begin with... and these cops just push him down and get on his back, the awful scene infront of you plays as they just start to cut off his air as he doesn't struggle but screams that he can't breath.

      You stay in horror as you quickly think what you can do, so when nothing comes to mind you start to cry. You open the back door and scream "What are you doing!?", You walk out towards them, the sun glasses and mask still on. The both loom to you as you storm up to them, one aims a gun at you as you just stands a few feet away you hear the man losing breath so you stomp a few steps towards the cops getting him to back away ever so slightly as you hear the man gasp as air fills his lungs.

    The other cocks his gun at you, "He wasn't resisting or fighting back at all! You have no right to choke this man to death, that is a decision up to a judge not you!" The cops stands up mid you screaming taking glances at eachother, They're earily quiet "Men like you should get your badges revoked".

     You huff as they in an almost robotic way lift the man in hand cuffs and take him to the cop car, you pray for his safety and that his trial for whatever goes well. He did not struggle he did not deserve to be almost be strangled to death. (BLM, sometimes all it takes is for someone to stand up for another).

    You quickly scurried back to the car before anyone saw you, hoping that masky and hoodie didnt hear or see anything. The place was musty and falling apart at the seems so you doubt there are any good working cameras, you lay back down and chill till you hear some talking and then see the two next to the car, masky grabbed the gas pump and started to pump gas into the car as hoodie opens the door.

      You scoot back and bring your legs to you, as he climbs in and and sets a black plastic bag at your feet. Turning to you and smiling, you smile back and give his arm a soft pat before masky climbs in aswell, you didn't even notice he finished up.

The bracelet (A Masky x reader x Hoodie fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon