Chapter 11: A book?

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Y/n's Pov.

We had been on the road for awhile, there was a thick tension filling the car that could cut through cement. The cars and buildings outside gave for good distraction, giving me something else to think about other than what they might try next. They both sit there poker faces displayed on both there features. I grip the seatbelts gently and look down at the door knob, it's my only chance... But there are some things to take into consideration, such as will a car run me over of I jump put, will other cars even give a shit if I jump out, and what if theres a child safety lock on this door... if I try to open it and it doesn't open they'll obviously see and I dont wanna risk that. I slowly lift my legs into my chest and play with my tattered shoe laces, I feel hoodie staring at me from the side. He kept doing that periodically I dont know why he just did, and masky seemed very agitated and would snap when something happened while driving or if his hair fell in his face. They're terrifying and both look like they could snap me in half with there bare hands. Every now and then masky would pull up his phone and make a turn or curse under his breath, I still wonder where we're going and my stomach has started to hurt again half a granola bar didn't fill me like I had hoped. So when my stomach growled and both men immediately looked at me, I ended up just curling my legs closer to my chest and hiding my face. I heard hoodie whisper to masky and masky make a sound of disagreement. Until hoodie said something else with a slight louder voice, "We need her to able to walk if we're gonna get this done" making masky sigh and turn into a gas station to the left. "We need gas anyway" he deadpans while getting out and walking up to the building. "So, what think about masky?" He asked while looking me in the eyes, I freeze at his stare and give a gentle shrug while looking back down. "You dont talk much huh?, neither do i" he says as his sentence leads off at the end. I stay put as I hear footsteps come up to the car and to the side, I hear knocking on the window as I hesitantly look up to see masky with a cigarette in his mouth while putting the gas pump into the car. ...lf he dropped that cigarette right now that could make the car explode... I see him point down to the window button, I lift my hand and slowly roll down the window looking back up at him. He then throws a bag into the car as it hits my stomach making me groan hearing both men snicker, "Eat" he walks away and I open the bag seeing junk food, water and then an apple. I look back up and then at hoodie who was staring at the bag and at the small bag of mnm's I look back down and pick it up watched him look me in the eye and then back to the bag. I smile softly and reach out my hand to him offering them to him, he slowly increases his arms and takes it out of my hand. His hand brushing against mine, when did he take off his gloves. As I retreat my hand back to the bag, and open the bottle of water taking a sip and then taking a few chugs a drip of water falling down the side of my chin. I take it away from my mouth and take a couple deep breaths as I literally eat everything in the bag, when I look back up I see hoodie looking at me with a slightly surprised face as his face is gaped just a bit. I blush and look the other way, embarrassed that he just saw me do that. I put my legs all the way to the floor and stretch a bit, feeling better but a little bit sick after not eating alot for awhile my stomach isn't used to all that food. I see Hoodie move over and grab the bag from my lap making me flinch, he gathers all the trash and puts it in the bag including the empty MnM rapper, as he shoves it under the chair. "Dont tell him I did that" he let's out a laugh, that seemed a little less dead inside as he pulls up his hood and looks out the window. "...where did he go?" I say quietly while messing with my finger nails. "Oh, he went to get some papers that our boss wanted." I give a nod and look back down, and if speak of the devil the drivers car door opened and in came masky. He sat back down in the front seat and pulled out a notebook and some papers with weird symbols and a suspicious looking book on them all over them, the book looked as if the indent of the... bracelet was on it... "Got it" masky says placing them in the dashboard and then locking it. "Did she eat the food?" He says putting on the seat belt, starting up the car, and then looking at hoodie through the rearview mirror. "Yup, and she even shared with me" he smirks while slouching back, "The food wasn't for you fatass", he puts the car in reverse and pulls out of the gas station and then back on the road. "Shut up tim", he retorts while sitting back and recrossing his arms. masky's name is tim?... that's a nice name, I wonder if hoodie has a real name to. Hoodie seems to be a bit nice than tim. After awhile of driving it starts to get really hot and I finish up the water bottle in no time leaving me with nothing to drink, I look down as my hair falls in my face. It had grown out since I was locked in there for so long, i wish i had a hair tye so it didn't stick to my forehead, I wonder if they would get mad if I asked them to turn on the ac or if it didn't work at all... I look over at hoodie and stare at him for a bit trying to think of how to ask him. After a second he turns to look at me and I shrink back a bit, "Yes? What's up?" He says looking around to see if there was anything happening. "Um... it's kinda hot... can the ac be on?... please." I say looking at him, as he takes a second and then looks to masky, "Do you think you could do that princess?", "Whatever" he says flipping it on as you feel the cold air from the front the front and roof of the car you lean back and smile gently. "So are we stopping at the cabin first or are we going straight there?" Hoodie asks while taking off his hood showing off his muscles that, you didn't know were there till now. "We'll go to the location first then head back, we cant read these so boss has to" he messes with his hair as we pull up to a red light. I feel my eyes get a bit droopy as the heat makes me a bit sleepy, I look at both males before curling up and facing asleep.

~Time skip to a few hours later~

I feel groggy as I wake up, it was dark outside, I rub my eyes and let out a yawn as I look around I was in a trailer park. There were plenty of houses and... probably plenty of people maybe one of them could help me! I look around again to see no sign of either man. I slowly undo my seatbelts and slide closer to the door grasping the handle as I take one more look around, I try to open it, it was locked. I ended up trying a the others, they locked me in? But how I didn't know you could do that. I panic a bit as I look behind me and see the window is just a bit open, maybe if I can reach my hand through. I'll only step out for second to get some air and stretch my legs, escaping wouldn't benefit me right now. I reach my hand out and push my body up to I can just about... open the door. The door pops open as I pull the car door handle up, I pull my arm out of the window rolling my shoulder as it feels a bit sore. I get out and stand as I stretch out my legs and arms, taking deep breaths of fresh air and as I was just about to get back in the car I feel something sharp be put to my throat. I freeze as i suspect it to be one of the guys, only to hear a deep chuckle that as far as I knew didn't belong to either of them you elbow the person and turn to face them you see it the guy with the cut smile and white jacket. "Hello doll, wasn't expecting to see you here~" you went to scream as he shoves you against the car and covers your mouth, his puts his finger to his lips and shushed you. He drags you in front of him as he takes you semi-deep in the woods, he shoves you to a tree and smirks at you his pale features and non blinking eyes baring into you. "Hmm, if there just gonna get rid of you anyway. Why not have some fun first~" your eyes widen as you struggle the best you can, he grabs your chin making you look up at him, he drags you up the tree placing his leg between you thighs, his face to close to yours to where you could feel his hot breath against your lips, his other hand shoving his way up your shirt as you try to get out of his grip violently struggling and shaking, you slap his hand away making him drop the knife for a split second. He catches it mid air as you kick him away from you, he shoves his boot into your stomach pinning you to the tree making you Yelp in pain. You feel him get closer as you feel your wrist start to burn and your heart beat him get faster and harder and he chuckles evily at you, you feel everything freeze for a sec as you swing your burning arm into his face as if your strength had been increased then fold. He slams into the floor, knocked out cold. You take deep breaths while, taking off running in the direction you came getting as much distance between you and him as possible. After running for God know how long you hear something snap behind you, you wipe your head around seeing nothing as you run right into a person, they dont even flinch as you slam into them making you fall back. You take quick uneven breaths as you open your eyes, and see hoodie standing there his mask on and blood covering his hoodie making you slowly back up scooting away. You gulp and you try and get away only to back into someone's legs, you look up to see a yellow jacket and a feminine mask. Oh great him to... you think as you see tim reach down for you quickly grabbing you hair, yanking you up to your feet, your eye scrunch up and you grab at the hand in your hair as you almost slip on the dirt and leaves under you. He shoves you to a tree and pulls out a gun, your eyes widen as he hits you in the side of the head with it knocking you out.

Woohoo, I think this one is my best chapter yet! At least in my opinion, I hope you enjoyed and please leave a comment I love hearing from you guys!

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