Chapter 12: Repercussions

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Y/N's Pov.

   I look around to see nothingness just an empty black void, but I wasn't afraid almost as if there was a safe aura about the place. I begin to walk through the void going deeper into the black abis until I see a small shining light, It was beautiful and it was just floating there and it was like it was calling me to come closer. I begin to move faster on my feet towards as it called for me I went faster, I was just about to ot when I heard a crack and then went put to reach it only for the floor under me to shatter and for me to gently graze the orb making my body feel completely warm as all the blackness turned to white and I shot up.

       I look around panting heavily as I recognize the car, and the torn seats, I quickly look out the window to see both masky and hoodie yelling at eachother. "Look! I know you wanted to keep just as bad as I did! But this is our mission now, we can't disobey Our boss!", I hear hoodie growl "He's just gonna kill her off once the bracelet is off, why can't we do anything with her!?" His yell felt like it shook the car, "Because we can't risk breaking or messing with the bracelet! We can use and do what we want with her after!" Masky shouts, making the argument end prematurely and hoodie grumble something before they both turn to the car. I stare at them as they begin walking to it, I scoot back as both the drivers seat door and the door in front of me open.

     I make eye contact with hoodie as he sits down and he freezes as masky just stares at me, "Good, your awake, we're taking you to boss before we finish our mission, you really fucked up big time girly" Masky growls as he starts up the car, hoodie pushes be back into the seat and buckles me in. I look down in shame, I didn't mean to upset them, I wasn't gonna run away. I should tell them about the guy and what happened, "I- shut. the. fuck. up." Masky deadpans giving me a deadly glare before lighting a cigarette and switching lanes on the road, I sit there in disbelief as I just curl up and start to cry, I just let it all out all the fear and trauma through my tears as I begin to shake as I just sit there for what felt like forever, as the car just stops and I look up slightly seeing masky leave the car and hoodie sit there for a second before unbuckeling and coming around to my door opening it. He just stands there staring at me, "Dont make this harder than it has to be, let's just get this over with" me let's out a sigh and slides his gloved hands into his pockets, I slowly undue my seatbelt and climb out of the car, I flinch as hoodie slams the door to the car as I just drag my feet as we walk up to the cabin and into the livingroom area.

       There was no one around just an empty room as we, walk up to the hallway that looked like it went on forever, I followed him as I just kinda considered running for it before we make it back to the big doors... Hoodie knocks and I just hear static as hoodie opens the door and we walk in and I see both masky and toby in there, I feel awful, and sick. I walk up to the desk as hoodie stands behind me, "You broke our agreement" I stand there in silence as I look up at him with a confused face, "Do you not think we're serious? Maybe something to remind you of this incident would be enough" he was so calm, I couldn't get any words out almost like I was silenced by something, he nodded at the three boys around me before he dissapeared into thin air, Masky grabbed my wrist in a tight and painful hold as the four of is us walk out and masky drags me to a new room that I haven't seen before.

     He takes a key out of his pocket before unlocking it and throwing me in, I feel on what felt like cusion I look around and see a black padded room. I hear the door be slammed and locked behind me, "Get sleep pet, we have a long trip tomorrow" masky growls before turning off the light and walking away, I look around at the mostly pitch black room with just the light coming from in between the small bars on the door, I curl up and just start to sob again not knowing what else was gonna happen, everything is just happening so fast and I can't seem to get a word in or do anything on my own at all. It feels so awful and my heart felt like it was stuck in my throat, I was just curled up in a ball crying for what felt like forever when there was a gentle knock on the door, "Listien, both masky and boss are really pissed, and something bad might happen but that's just a repercussion"

      I hear him slide something under the door and stand back up looking down at me, "Please eat, it'll make this so much easier if you comply... and this will go by much faster, good night y/n..." I don't respond as I just stay curled up in a ball, hoodie sighs and just walks away, I just slowly unfurl and crawl over to the food pulling it back with me into the farthest corner from the door, I just slowly take a bite of the food as tears just pour down my face and onto and into my food... Tomorrow is another day.

Welp there you go it's been at least a month and I wanted to get this to you guys!! I have a toby x masky x hoodie book if anyone wants to read it!!

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