Chapter 20: Tendered

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TW: Blood, Semi-Prostitution and Violence.

The dark almost completely consumed the lights on the head of the beaten car, the road was gravely and it felt as if the trees were watching every movement around. The sway of the weaving road made Your stomach churn in anxiety, you couldn't help but stare at the dark patches by the road. Where you swear you see people standing in robes and dresses, tattered attire, and horrid faces. Hitchhikers covered in mud and blood, stalking slowly by the roadside with upturned thumbs. Children with blacked-out eyes, running playfully by the car and out the woods, disappearing and reappearing.

You look away from the window and wear masky sits in the front, and then to hoodie next to you. "When we get there you are to stay with us and not wander off or with either of them. Got it." Masky ordered more than asked. You nod as he glances at you and then back to the road, you lean over and see hoodie playing candy crush on his phone. You subconsciously press at his phone getting a combo, "Hey" he says passive-aggressively swatting your hand away as you laugh quietly. You glance forward on the road seeing a deer run by and then disappear into thin air making you blink a couple of times in confusion.

Your confusion is cut short as you pull up next to an unlit and rundown graveyard next to a fairly tall mountain, masky turns off the car and turns to you. "You stay by us you hear me, no matter what," he says harshly leaving no room for response or argument, he then leaves the car slamming the door behind him. Next to you hoodie stretches and looks at you "Ready? I know toby messed with you before but he won't be in front of us after last time." You nod at him as he takes a breath and pulls his mask on, he exits the car and circles it opening the door for you.

As you step out and feel the cool breath and the fresh air of the woods you felt a bit paranoid making you stick a little closer to hoodie as you too walk down the street and enter the abandoned graveyard. It was very dark and musty all around you too kept on walking deeper into it as you heard small whispers and caught things in the corner of your eye making you walk a bit faster. You pull up to the entrance of a cave where kate, Toby, and Rouge were standing, you look down as the attention shifts from the conversation to you and hoodie.

    "Alright let's get this over with," Masky says taking out a flashlight. The four of them without another word walk into the cave, you try to collect your nerves as you walk in front of hoodie into the almost pitch dark cave. You could feel how close the walls were and the closed-in tight space made you feel claustrophobic, the walls were covered in carved pictures and symbols that gave you a weary and nauseous feeling. At a certain point, you guys turn a couple of corners and your stomach seemed to drop as it went pitch dark and you could no longer hear movement around you, you turn around a couple of times in confusion.

"Hello?" you call out cursing to yourself silently as your voice cracks from not talking for a while, just as you're about to call out again you hear a sweet humming sound you turn towards it and see the light again your eyes widen as you swallow shallowly and start to move forward at record pace charging to it as fast at possible. You make it closer and closer till you an inch away you reach put and as your fingers barely skim it you feel your entire body feel electrified as you fall through the floor, hitting your head on something.

You open your eyes and see you're in the middle of the woods, you sit up and groan as a familiar black turtle neck and best of brown hit catch your eye. You internally cringe as you hear him tick and turn to you, "Gre-at your awake! You-ou ready to repay the-that fae-vor?", he says all too happy and straightforward. You stay silent and look around confused about how you got here, "Great l-lets go!" he grabs you harshly and pulls you to your feet. You stumble and try to keep up as he quickly bolts through the forest making you wish you had proper shoes on, you would pull away and find masky and hoodie but the cling of his hatchets on his belt make your stomach turn in grief at the thought of what happened to your parents.

You're ended up pulling the rings from the do gets and putting them on in an attempt of comfort, you feel your nerves shoot sky high as you are too near a town that you could've never thought would be this close to where you were. He then stops and pulls you forward making you stumble more, he examines your hat and then does a rundown of your body spending a bit too much time on the look around your chest area. "Where the-this" he shoves his jacket at you in an attempt to make you wear it, you take a deep breath and think about it.

If you are going into a populated area you should look as little like yourself as possible, you look down in defeat and pull on the jacket smelling the stench of blood and musk that seemed all too familiar at this point. He stares at you for another good second, "You look g-good in my jacke-et" he snickers and pulls you into the town, you pull your hat down and walk close behind him. He pulls you down the streets and around a corner as you near a tall and musty-looking apartment building that made a look of disgust wash across your face. He takes a quick look at you before pulling you into the building and up a flight of stairs that felt like any wrong moves would make them collapse under your weight, he walks down another hall that somewhat resembled the walls of the original place you stayed in.

He pulls a key from his pocket and unlocks a door, you look up at the number the first part was scratched off but you could see the number 69 left behind making you feel ironically calm and expectant of what might come next. The door opens and you see a big guy sitting on a couch smoking a cigar and smirks when he sees toby, "You kept your side of the bargain?" the guy laughs as he pulls something from his pocket. "I di-id, you'll k-keep yours?" the man only nods and looks to me, "Come here pretty little thing, " you flush and look to toby, he just nudges you forward and you do your best to walk over to the man.

They both were bigger than you and this guy was almost twice your size so as you walked up to him and he pulled you into his lap you felt dwarfed by him. You felt gross as he began to feel you up, his hands on your waist and back as the smell of cigar smoke intoxicating and making you choke up as his hands slide up your shirt and slide the jacket off your back. Your breathing is uneven and you feel the bile rise in your throat as his hand slips down to your front, of course, that motherfucker would make you do something like this for his 'favor' what a dickhead.

You start to panic as his grip on you tightens, you just couldn't deal with this, sitting here and taking it was not suiting you... You feel yourself get angry and you stay to cry now feeling electricity course through your body, as all of a sudden as he lays his hands back on you he yells in pain as he pushes you off him. "What the fuck!? How did you just electrocute me you whore?!" you gasp as your back collides with the table, he looks angry as you try to collect your breath. You look up and see lighting like lines running up his neck, he bolts for your neck but is suddenly pulled back by his hair.

You looked behind him and see toby, he quickly pulls his hatchet from his belt bringing it up and slicing across the man's throat. The blood gushes out the side all over you making you yelp and jump up spitting out the blood that got into your mouth, "You fucking dickhead!!" You shout not thinking as you feel the blood run down your skin. You can hear toby laughing from behind you as you turn to him and give him a death glare, his laughter seemed to die down and just leave a smirk on his face.

You noticed how his mask was off and you could see the gap in his face, it didn't seem to bother you at all at the moment. "You looked goo-ood in his lap, but do-on't worry I was g-gonna end it before he got to f-ar" he says shrugging and slipping the hatchet back into his belt. "Anyways you fucked hi-im up, if I didn't kill him he wo-ould h-have been fried either way in the the-he long run," he says giggling as he walks up to you.

You just roll your eyes as he shows his jacket at you and you pull it on covering all the blood on your shirt and the top of your pants, you wiped pretty much all the blood off your face so you're fine. He grabs at your hand and you look up at him, "Let's get back before they get pissed at u-us" you only nod as he quickly pulls you out of the room and down the many flights of stairs to the outside air that was way colder than earlier.

You two scurry down the streets and back into the forest, "We're not that far away" he says as his hand semi-twitches in yours. You just stay silent not to push your luck, because even if you could take this guy on in the long run his boss is still a threat and you don't want to pick any unnecessary fights. Just as you too stroll up to the graveyard toby sits down and you sit across from him.

The others walk out seemingly unnerved and pissed until their eyes land on you and toby. "Took you guys long enough!" Toby says walking away, you just look down and down say anything as they look between you and toby.

Only took me like a year lol!😅

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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