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I look into Xander's eyes thinking about how I can convince him to let me stay without having to beg. "You're kicking me out?" I finally ask, keeping my voice firm.

"I'm sure you've been really comfortable here, Caroline," he says casually, almost in a mocking tone. "But we're moving in now." He reaches down and grabs the suitcases with each hand. He looks at me. "You need to leave."

He walks past me and makes his way up the stairs. I cover my face with my hands feeling desperate. He's right. I'm very comfortable here. I don't want to leave. I can't leave. I have nowhere else to go. At least not without losing my dignity. Though it seems like my dignity has to be thrown out the window whether I stay or not and truth is, I'd rather try to convince him to let me stay than the alternative.

I take a deep breath then walk upstairs. The house already had furniture when I moved in. It's a beautiful house. From what Lily told me, this was the first house they owned. They had to move when their family grew, considering this is a three-bedroom house. I know Lily and Marco Sullivan had five kids. It's weird to think of Xander as a kid. He's a man. A bossy, condescending, intimidating man.

He's walking out of one of the vacant rooms when I step on the hallway upstairs.

"Close the door!" Brianna yells from the room. I guess it's no longer vacant. It's been claimed. That leaves my room and the other one. I was the only one here so I have the master bedroom. I'm sure he's going to want it. Well of course he wants it, Caroline. He just kicked you out.

Xander sighs at his sister's command. He pokes his head inside the room. "Any other requests?" He asks sarcastically.

I know from the tabloids that he got his little sister's custody. He might be annoying but it's pretty admirable that he's carrying on their parent's wish to take her of his sister.

"Some ice cream would be nice." I hear Brianna say and I fight back a smile.

Xander rolls his eyes then closes the door. That's when he sees me. "Got any ice cream?" He asks me sarcastically.

"There's some in the freezer," I say.

"Good to know," he says, turning around.

"Please don't kick me out," I say, taking a step forward. He stops and turns to look at me. "I have nowhere else to go."

"You can move in with your boyfriend." He suggests.

I ignore his comment. "I can pay more. I'll pay whatever you want. I just need three more months to finish school. If you make me leave, I'll have to drop out."

Okay. I'm bring dramatic, but I'm desperate. Though I have a feeling Xander isn't the type of man that sympathizes with strangers.

"That's not really my problem," he says, proving my suspicion. "We need the house."

"Why can't you just buy another one?" I ask, getting frustrated. I'm just asking him for three more months.

He raises an eyebrow at me. "Excuse me?"

"I'm just saying," I say with a shrug. "You're rich. Why does it have to be this house?"

He scoffs then walks over to me. I take a step back when he towers over me. "Because I want it," he says in a low voice.

I take another step back, suddenly feeling suffocated by how close he is. Unfortunately, I forgot that the stairs were right behind me and I slip.

Xander grabs my arm just in time and pulls me over to him. "Are you trying to get injured so I don't kick you out?" He asks, his face is only inches apart.

BAD INTENTIONS (BAD #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang