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"So, any chance Sandra can hook me up with her friend?"

I look up from the paperwork on my desk and narrow my eyes at Jordan. "What?"

"The friend that was with her yesterday at the bar," he says with a smirk. "What was her name again? Caroline. She was hot."

I look down at the reports, trying to hide my annoyance.

It's Friday afternoon and we're going over the sales report for the prior month. I'm still a little shocked about what happened yesterday. I never thought I would ever see Sandra and Caroline in the same room, let alone see them having drinks together. I knew Caroline was hiding something but I would've never guessed her friendship with Sandra. It feels strange to think about how she's known that me and Sandra have been hooking up since that first night almost a year ago.

I still can't believe I had a shot at taking Caroline to bed that night. If I would've seen her, I would've hit on her over Sandra. That would've been a no brainer. I don't doubt that we would've been just as attracted to each other then as we are now. If I would've waited a couple minutes before hitting on Sandra, things would've gone much differently that night.

I think about the way she let me touch her last night in that crowded elevator and almost grin. I finally got to touch that sexy ass of hers. Too bad it had to end there.

I know I'm being stupid. I know she's hiding something and I definitely don't trust her. Somehow, that makes this attraction even hotter. I know she knows how to keep a secret. I'm not looking for a relationship and neither is she. I get why she keeps running away from me especially now that I know she's friends with Sandra, but it won't mount to anything else. It would just be sex.

Jordan straightens up in his chair. "I feel like I know her from somewhere."

I look at him again. "From where?"

He shrugs. "I can't remember," he says. "Her face just seems familiar."

Caroline doesn't have a bland face. She's a beautiful woman. Her face has delicate features that make her face unique. She's not someone you confuse with someone else or someone you forget easily. So if Jordan says her face seems familiar, then I'm sure that it's because he has seen her before.

"Are you sure you don't remember?" I press. "Maybe you've seen her at the bar before?"

I'm aware that I should just let it drop. The thing is that I can't shake the feeling that Caroline is hiding something. I have a feeling that what I found out last night is just the tip of the iceberg. She's very secretive and that bothers me. I wish I could pick up the phone and call my mother to ask her. She would be the only person who could tell me exactly who Caroline is.

"I don't know, maybe," Jordan says and then he grins. "So? Will you ask Sandra?"

"Sure," I say nonchalantly as I focus back on the reports. "We should get back to it. I have a meeting in thirty minutes."

"Right," he says as he turns his attention back to his laptop.

We finish going over the reports just in time for my meeting. It runs longer than it's supposed to and I hurry back to my office after it's over. Brianna has a volleyball game tonight and this morning when I told her I'd be there, she laughed and said, "Sure, you will."

Now I have to prove her wrong. I know our father didn't miss her games and I'm not trying to replace him by any means, but I need to try to be supportive.

"You heading out?"

I look up at my uncle, Mateo, as he stands by the doorway and nod. "Yeah, Brianna has a volleyball game and I'm trying to make it."

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