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It takes me five seconds to realize that Xander doesn't recognize me.

Tonight was supposed to be fun. I just wanted to have some good sex and go to sleep. Was that too much to ask? Apparently it was because now it's ruined.

"Oh my god." I gasp when I realize that there's someone standing by the door. I push Chase away and reach down for my blouse. My heart is beating hard against my chest and it's not because Chase is kissing my neck anymore. Are we getting robbed?

"What?" Chase asks as he looks at the man and then at me. "Who the fuck is he?" He demands angrily at me.

"Excuse me?" I ask him with a frown because who the hell does he think he is to talk to me like that? Chase is the last person to demand something of me.

And then I turn to look at the man standing by the door. I recognize him immediately. Xander Sullivan. Oldest son of Lily Sullivan, the famous actress and my landlord. Our paths crossed a little less than a year ago but I can tell that he doesn't recognize me which is good. If he knew who I was, he would kick me out in a second. Though by the look in his eyes, I can tell that he's going to do that anyway.

He's much buffer than I remember or maybe it's just because he's older. He's wearing jeans with a black cashmere sweater. The sleeves hug his muscular arms attractively, it's impossible not to notice. He has dark hair, it's longer on top. Straight nose. Sharp jaw and mean, dark brown eyes.

"Who are you?" I ask slowly though I already know who he is. At least I'm not getting robbed though at this point, I think I would prefer that over having Xander Sullivan standing on my doorway.

"Who am I?" He scoffs. "Who the hell are you?"

"Xander?" A girl asks from outside.

He turns to look at her. "Wait outside, Brianna."

"Well?" Chase asks crossing his arms on his chest. "Are you going to tell us who you are?"

Xander raises an eyebrow at him and doesn't even bother to say anything.

I look at Chase. "Uh, Chase, I think you should leave."

He turns to look at me with a frown. "Are you serious? There's a stranger in your house and you want me to leave?"

"I'm Xander Sullivan," Xander says. "This is my late mother's house so actually, you're the stranger here, buddy."

My stomach drops at his words. I knew this day was coming. I knew it since the day I learned that Lily Sullivan had passed away in a tragic car accident. I found out on the news and I knew it was over. I knew it was only a matter of time until I would be kicked out of this house. I knew it...but I still hoped. I still hoped that somehow, this house would be forgotten. Selfish, I know, but I'm desperate.

Chase suddenly straightens up and stands in front of him. "Who are you calling buddy, buddy?"

Xander clenches his jaw. "I would break you in half in less than a second. I don't think you want to test me."

I gulp and place my hand on Chase's shoulder. "Chase, stop. Please leave. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

Xander moves to the side and I feel his eyes on me as I practically push Chase out the door.

"I can't believe this," Chase says angrily as he steps outside.

I notice a girl standing outside. She's around sixteen or seventeen. "Just leave, please," I say to Chase.

"Can I come in now?" The girl asks poking her head inside.

"Yes," I hear Xander say. "Just go pick a room."

BAD INTENTIONS (BAD #1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin