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I narrow my eyes at my soon-to-be ex-friend as he bursts out laughing at what I just confided in him. I should've known better honestly. Jordan is a damn good accountant and is serious about his job, but that's about the only thing he takes serious.

"I'm glad you find it so fucking funny." I sigh, annoyedly, as I stand in front of the floor to ceiling window I have in my office.

We're on the sixth floor, so it has a nice view to the racing track we have outside. Standing here and looking out the window has turned into something I do whenever I need to think. I spend a lot of time in these four walls. Sometimes looking out the window is the only way I realize that the day is over and it's time to go. Though, my routine has changed drastically since my parent's death three months ago, when I became the guardian of my sixteen-year-old sister.

I had no idea that being the guardian of a sixteen-year-old was much more stressful than acting or being a CEO. My job seems like a piece of cake now.

"I'm sorry, man." Jordan laughs. "I just-that must've been so embarrassing!"

I felt more panic than embarrassment.

Fuck. I still can't believe my little sister walked into my room while I was fucking Sandra from behind.

It didn't occur to me to close the door for two reasons: 1) I'm not used to having to lock the door, given that I've lived alone since I was eighteen and 2) Brianna was supposed to be in school.

How the hell was I supposed to know that she decided to ditch class and come back to the condo in the middle of the fucking day?

I just needed a couple minutes to myself. I just wanted to fuck.

Sandra and I met almost a year ago at a bar. It was just supposed to be a one-night stand. I told her from the beginning that I wasn't looking for a relationship. I just wanted to have a good time that night. It was a routine for me. Bars are a great place to meet beautiful women who are looking for a casual hookup, which is my thing. I tried being in a relationship once when I was in college and I discovered very quickly that they weren't for me. I don't like being tied down to someone. I don't like the stress of having to check in on them and having to send them good morning texts and gifts just to keep them happy. No thanks. I have enough with my job. Relationships are high maintenance and I have zero desire to ever be in one again.

So this unspoken agreement with Sandra is perfect. We text each other whenever we need a good fuck, then leave without even having to say a word to each other. All I know about her is that she's twenty-three and in college. I was worried about her being a college girl at first, but she's actually very mature and not clingy at all.

I was the one who texted her yesterday. I hadn't fucked in five days and I needed it. I don't just have to stress about work anymore, I also have to stress about my teenage sister.

So I left work early. Sandra was already outside my condo when I got there. She's a petite woman, a little thinner than I usually like, but she's hot and cute. Sometimes I wonder why she lowers herself to be someone's fuck buddy, then I remind myself that I do the same. I do it because it's enough for me. My guess is that she probably doesn't have time for dating. Not that it's any of my business. She knows that if she ever wants it to end, all she has to do is tell me. No strings attached.

Yesterday, we headed straight to my bedroom. She took off her panties and pulled up her skirt while I unbuckled my pants. We were in the middle of it when the door of my room opened and I turned and saw my little sister standing there with a shocked look on her face. I felt complete horror and panic. She walked out quickly, but it was too late.

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