"Will Bakugou leave me because I don't tell him the truth? He's extremely sharp...I have a feeling he knows I was lying about the circus. Well, being in a circus by itself is a stupid lie."

"It's a hard social life, but at the same time I'm glad I got a chance to train to become someone important," she continues. "Plus, I have all of you, right?

Akira's laugh rings across the line before she coughs.

"So what I'm saying is, don't get so discouraged! If anything, I think he sees you as a friend if he's willing to give you his coat on that cold day... Maybe he even sees you as more than friends," she sneers. 

Rolling your eyes, you chuckle softly.

"Thank you, Akira-san."

"No problem! You can always come to me if you have any problems, we're friends, aren't we?"


Something tingles in your heart.

"Yeah, thanks," you smile.

"Tell me how it goes alright?" Akira laughs. The two of you say your goodbyes and end the call.


Since you slept until 11, the meeting time with Bakugou rolled in fast.

Eager to try out new pastries, you excitedly dress up in a fitting outfit for the cute cafe: a mini skirt, white turtleneck, and a teddy bear coat to match the chilly weather. After touching yourself up some, you grab your keys, wallet, and phone; put on your shoes, and leave the house.

"Ah, do I need some supplies?"

Private Message

Do I need to bring a notebook and a pencil?

Grocery Boy:
Why the hell would u need those?
And dont call me that

To write notes in?
For tutoring?
Fine but Bakugou is so lame :/

Grocery Boy:


Grocery Boy:
Nothing cat eyes

hehe did u forget something
"dont be slow"

Grocery Boy:
Shut up
Ill bring the notebook dont bring ur shitty one

Oki :)

"I wonder what he forgot?"

Shrugging it off, you lock the door and walk out of the apartment complex.

When you get to the market, you stand at the side of the building and look up into the sky. The clouds are especially fluffy today, and you end up losing track of time as you compare the clouds to different shapes.

What you don't notice is Bakugou jogging up to the building. He slows down when you're in view but stops when he gets a better look at you. 

Something in him throbs, and for a split second, he thinks that you look cute. Another thought, that you might have dressed up for him, crosses his mind, and he shakes it off. Earlier, he had completely forgotten that it was just tutoring and not a date. 

Not that he wanted it to be a date.


"Oi, why are you staring at the sky like a dumbass?"

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"Oi, why are you staring at the sky like a dumbass?"

Hearing Bakugou's voice, you turn around and smile at him.

"Doesn't that cloud look like one of the pastries at the cafe?"

He looks up and squints at the cloud you're pointing to, and chuckles inwardly. It actually did look like one.

"Whatever. Hurry up. I don't wanna keep carrying this heavy ass textbook," he snaps.

Laughing, you trot up to him and look over his shoulder at his school bag. Unlike a regular backpack, it's only slung over one shoulder, and it rests vertically. 

"The fuck are you looking at?"

"Is that what a school bag looks like? It's so weird."

"You don't even go to school! You don't have the right to disgrace it."

"It's not my fault I don't go to school."

"Oh. Right. Because you work at some fake circus. I forgot," he scoffs sarcastically.

"Atleast I have the skills to be in one," you shoot back.

"Are you saying I don't have any skills?!"


Just like normal, the two of you argue lightheartedly as you walk down the street.

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