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Veronica Monroe pov

"piccola" I said as pulled my legging up (babe)

"yes bambina?" Alessandro asked as he set his weights down (baby)
"why do i have to go america? i don't wanna leave you" i spoke looking down as i remembered the conversation i had with him just days ago.

I felt his hand brush my hair away, his hand moved to my chin lifting it up. "vià, they aren't just random people they are your father and brothers and they just want to see you again, i would give anything to see my sister again" ales spoke looking me in eyes and i saw a tear slip out at mention of his sister
"i know baby, i'm sorry but you know what it was like with my mother what if they are like her" i spoke raising my own hand to wipe his tear.
"they won't my father ran a background check and sent our spy to watch them. I was going to tell you later but my father assigned me to run the american branch of the italian mafia witch is in new york" he smiled down at me causing me to break out into a grin and hug him
"now let's take your stupid picture and let's go pack" alessandro smirked at me peking my forehead as i pulled my phone out.
"say 'i have the best girlfriend world'" i smiled brightly at my fiancé how rolls his eyes as i snapped the picture
"cute!" i giggled
"i love you baby girl" alessandro said as he looked down fondly at me as he walked out of the gym to the car with bodyguards trailing us.


three years ago ,  age 15
i walked into my new school with my brand new uniform, it was a black short skirt with a white colored silk top with a large black silk bow, a black blazer with red trim, the schools symbol was two golden lions on their hind legs  claws in the air, the schools initials stitched in, R

I was walking when i bumped into someone and was about to fall when a felt a hand snake around waist holding me up . I was shocked for a moment before I finally looked up into a pair of blue eyes,his eyes were the same colors as the deep blue ovens and they looked into my own sage green eyes. " spiacente bella" his voice was deep and his eyes seems to have a sparkle as he spoke.
"no i'm sorry i'm new and i wasn't paying attention" i rushed in english before i tried to correct my self in italian but he intervened
"no problem bella let me see your classes and maybe i could help you out" by now i just realize that his hand is still around my waist.
"sure here" i said handing him the paper , he looked up from my and looked me and smiled you and i have the same classes bella" he smirked as he gently grabs my books from my hands and started walking with me to class.

little did i know that Alessandro Montanari had never even talked to a girl at his school. He never gave attention to girls at school that was till he met me ,

flashback ,may 1st , Alessandro and Veronica have been together for three years now

it's been three years since I started dating him, without a doubt in the world Alessandro was the best man to me. after nearly a year of dating him he told me his family secret.

The Italian Mafia was run by the Montanari family. I of course was shocked but it didn't change a thing about him, he was still perfect and i still loved him. after that day I discovered that he was twl years older than I was and of course a few months later that may be hesitant to get into a relationship with him it was the best decision I've ever made.

because now I am the future Mrs Montanari, Alessandro proposed on christmas infornt of his family and of course i said yes.

Alessandro will be taking over the mafia after we get married a few months after my eighteenth birthday because it will be his 21st birthday.

His family is amazing, they treat me like family, His father Stephen Montanari treats me like a daughter and his mother Catrina Montanari is the sweetest and kindest woman to live she also treats me as her own.

then there's Alessandros younger siblings , all five of them.

Alessandro and Andrea are twins Alessandro first born , Antonio who's 15 and his twin Annabella and the youngest siblings of the Montanari family is there six year old twins Arianna and Adriano
well all the boys look like their father they have their mothers blue eyes and while the girls look like there mother they have there fathers caramel eyes.

I look down at my engagement ring at smile as i feel arms wrap around my from beside and the sleepy voice of Alessandro "go to sleep" he groans as he snuggles into my neck his hair tickling me. "ok babe" i smiled back pressing a kiss to his head and i drift off thinking about my future...

next chapter will be posted sometime tomorrow!

i just added onto this chapter because i realize I had only accidentally posted half of this chapter so here's the other half:)

please make sure to leave a comment I read all of them!

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄Where stories live. Discover now