"Try me."

Sator and Ditrix looked at one another, then around them in case anyone was near enough to see. The coast seemed clear. Sator was the first to take a deep invent as he pressed the device on his chest, slowly dropping his disguise. Ditrix followed shortly after doing the same. They both looked at eachother before turning to look at Wairu. "Im.. Primus. And this is Unicron.."

He had his arms crossed as he looked at the pair "You know this isnt a game. You are hardly them. They havent been seen for ages, and Unicron is supposed to want to devour Cybertron and kill all of us so that makes no sense as well."

Unicron lowerd his helm slightly. "What your saying is true yes, this form is subdued. Since my capture in the allspark container they had the decency to pull my least harmfull state out."


"My priests, Dectus one among them."

Wairu rolled his shoulders. "This all seems more like some weird elaborate plan." He looked over at Primus "And you then? You created us all so wouldnt it be weird to date one like me?. Also shouldn't you be in the core?"

He dried the coolant that had fallen down his cheeks. "I dont create all sparks.. vector sigma assist in creating a few as well. You just happend to be one of them. The connection you share with me is far from the others, i just aid in creating the spark essence.." he took a deep vent to steady himself "it is just like when i create sparks, this is just a frame carrying a replicated spark of my own."

Somehow that made sense from all the stories he had been told as a sparkling, but he was still hesitant, this couldnt be The actual gods could it?. He was srill furious that they had hidden this important information from him, concealing their identity, and maybe perhaps still doing so. As well as lying about their names, occupation etc.

"I trusted you, i bared my soul for you, i hid nothing of myself. And you hid everything from me. Hiw do i even know what you have told or shown me was true?, or was it all just a game to keep you happy and entertained when you had nothing better to do. And you said you couldn't tell me becuase i would be in danger. In danger if what!, you two?!. Your willing to put me in danger once i would have found out your real identities?, hm?, is that how much you love me yes?!"

Wairu bit his lower lip his tears now streaming over his cheeks "I dont... i-i can't ..." he took a shaky invent as he silently cried "I, Hate you."

He got up and ran, transforming to vehicle mode and drove off into the night.

Primus could feel his spark shattering as the words reached his audio 'I, Hate you...' . His entire frame now trembling violently. The coolant blurring his vision compleatly. He couldn't lose some he loved again, his spark couldn't take the loss once more.

Curling up and grabbing his helm it made a small dent from the pressure he was holding it, optics shut tightly as his vents increased. Unicron dragged him up into his lap "Hey, hey, you need to calm down or you are going to pass out. Remember what we practice before deep vents."

He looked up at Unicron, his features blurred by the coolant. Grabbing onto his chestplates firmly. "Love we cant lose him, we love him. I cant lose him. My spark cant take another loss."

Watching him with a sad frown Unicron stroked his helm then gently placed their forhelms together "Its going to be fine Love, we will explain everything once more and see how he takes it from there..."

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