Part 2 Shrine

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This had become a routine. Primus would emerge from his summoning platform, sprawled out on the floor, weak and exhuasted. And this just happend to be one of those 'wonderful' stellar cycles.

He stood up on shaky legs, his helm pounding and entire body aching. A swarm of priests at his side in a second, supporting him to stay uppright. Every vent and movement was painful after emerging. The preists was fussing over him and hooking him up to a makeshift vital scanner the size of a datapad, a long tube attached to the back of his neck connected to the datapad.

"Are you alright Sire? ,No aches worse than normal?" The medic preist that had hooked him up to the scanner remained calmer than the rest and focused. Big bright optics starring at him never breaking contact.

Primus groaned opening his optics, everything was blurry, after blinking a few times he began to focus on his surroundings. He nodded to the medics question.

The summoning room was large with golden decorations among the walls, some depicturing bots in every day life and cybertrons nature, a big round window in the  top of the ceiling above them and a big door a few meters in front of him.

He always looked for a special set of optics among his priests but this time there where nowhere to be found among the small crowd. He immediately stood more alert, not caring about the pain it caused him.

"Where is Qaru." Primus voice was hoarse, he cleared his throat with a soft groan. The medic moved to stand in front of him. "He is unwell Sire, he was out scouting the Sea of rust and caught the Cybonic plague. He is stable but there hasn't been mutch that we could do, without the cure..."

Qaru was always there when he emerged. He was his selected High priest after all. Always that signature big smile on his dermas and his optics looking down at him so softly. Being the first thing he laid optics upon every time he came back, reborn. He would meet his optics from above as he held him down in his lap, restraining him from moving too fast, like he had done just now. But there was no warm embrace and soft optics now.

The news of Qarus illness rocking him to the core. Ignoring his stiff frame he took off the tube attached to his neck handing it to the nearest priest and started walking. They all started fussing the moment he reached out and took it off. "Sire it's too early for you to move!." The medic with the datapad walked beside him fussing.

"Is Qaru in my quarters?" His voice was much softer now, but the undertone of worry carried far louder. The priest nodded "Yes, we assumed you would like to see him as soon as you returned... but Sire please we have to give your systems a further look over to assure maximum capability of your fr-"

"Altho i appreciate your concern it can wait to later, you know where i will be.."

Primus pushed the doors open to reveal a huge room with a throne like chair in the far end, this door laying almost to its side. The room was alive with priests talking to one another.

He walked to a door behinde the chair, the other priests noticing him but continued with what they where doing, they wanted to tackle him with questions and hugs but they knew he would come to visit each and every one of them  later. And they all had a fairly good idea where he wanted to go as fast as possible.

The medic preist followed behinde him silently. Primus pushed the door open, a spiral stair right in front of him. He walked up slowly, his frame creaking with every move causing discomfort and pain. But he keept moving with intent, he would not lose another one of his closest sparks.

He moved several meters up the stairs before arriving to a gold and white decorated door, a smaller space to the right with a chair, to rest or wait without having to stand uncomfortably in the stairs. He turned his helm to the priest. "I would like to speak with him alone before we continue with the diagnostics."

The priest bowed his helm. "Of course Sire" 

Primus gently pushed the door open. It was a big room with a huge rounded window overlooking the throne room they had went through before. A berth placed by the wall oppisite the window, Qaru laying curled up in the big berth under the soft mesh covers.

Primus closed the door behinde him walking up to Qaru in his berth. The mech didn't even stirr, remaining motionless besides from the strained vents his frame made.

Primus kneeled beside the berth gently pulling away the covers to properly get a good look at Qaru, his usal bright red armor was slightly faded and green where the disese was visable. His gold accents now a sickly brown. Primus stroked a servo over his helm gently, the mech groaning and opening his optics whom flicked on weakly. A small smile forming on his dermas upon seeing Primus. "My apologies for... missing the arrival..." he strained to keep talking, Primus hushing him.

"Save your strenght Qaru, i will have the cure ready in a few hours, you will be fine."

The smaller mech nodded and Primus carefully tucked him in again.

He stroked his helm once more before standing up, walking to the other side of the berth sitting down. His com flicking on, sending a single word to his waiting priest whom then walked into the room with a train of mechs. Hooking him back up to the datapad along a few other machines.

"Here is the cure." He opend his subspace and handed a small chip to one of the priests who took it with a nodd. Almost running out of the room towards the labs. Primus had been lucky this time. If not for his brother controlling Megatron for the short period he had, he would have to contact Megatron directly. Something he did not particulary favor.

He moved to lay more comfortably beside Qaru. He was quite exhuasted after all that moving around. Qaru used the little strenght he had left to turn his frame around and cuddled up against Primus frame. His smaller frame visibly relaxig next to Primus as he closed his optics.

Primus moved to rest his arm on Qarus back with practiced ease. The preists working around them to help them both. The preists discussing both of their status and how to approach it. Primus optics slowly closing as he  fell into a much needed recharge. Feeling content and safe back among his friends.

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