Part 25 Aftermath

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A few days after the confrontation Wairu was back at his usual routine before he met the pair. Both Sator and Ditrix had made several attempts at contacting him, both messages and calls that he had directly diclined and blocked.

He didnt have the strength to answer and face them again. They had lied about so important things, and all they had to say in their defense was because they were trying to protect him. Hmp, they didn't even give him a reason why he had to be protected, they hadn't dropped their covers and told him their real names and looks either.

He went on and took a deep invent before answering the next call from a client, trying to sound as joyfull as possible when he did. "Hello my designation is Wairu How may i help you today?"

What met him at the other end made him furious. "Wairu Please stop blocking our calls and talk to us. We do really need to explain and sort this out before something happends to you or us."

He wanted to scream and rage at him but he was at work and bots would start to wonder what the frag he was doing, so he somewhat calmly answerd. "You wont even tell me what to watch out for. And its you they are after, warning me from the start would have been great by the way."

A heavy sigh could be heard from the other side of the comm, "Any suspicions activity, keep your sensors up if the same energy signature crosses you several times, don't take the same route everywhere." He sounded exhausted, like he hadnt recharged for days.

"So the basic standard procedures for stalking?, mhm alright. I think if they are after you they would much rather try to kidnap you instead. So maybe you should stay out of sight, especially mine."

He stayed silent for a long while "If that is what you want.., Please just be careful and consider giving us a proper chance to explain and show you why we acted as we did. We love you."

Wairu huffed "Questionable but sure. So dont call me here ever again, Thank you bye." He hung up quickly so Ditrix wouldn't have time to say anything else. Slumping down in his chair he dragged his servos over his face in exhaustion, he really needed some more reflection time on this whole ordeal. Both alone and with his friends. It had been some time now after he had broken it off with Sator and Ditrix and he wasn't as furious about it and could reflect upon what had hapend in a better state.

Taking a deep invent he continued on for the rest of the day, sending off a message to his friends if they where up for a chat after work, they both responded quickly with an "Affirmative"

He had gone to their usual café, sitting in 'their' spot and ordering his regular drink and sweets. They came through the door after a few minutes, hugging before sitting down. "How you holding up? Everything alright?" Rundown asked before the waiter came over and took their orders.

Letting out a long sigh he let his helm rest in his right servo as he took a sip of his drink. "As good as it could be i guess.. im thinking of taking up Alpha trions offer tomorrow, ut seems like he knows alot that he could let me in on.."

They both froze, Dimwire raising his servos "Hold up, Hold up. You have been talking to THE Alpha trion?!. And you didnt tell us?!"

He looked up at them, taking a long sip of his drink. "I-... Didnt tell you guys that before?" He chuckled nervously.

They both glarred at him as he smiled sheepishly, "Well now you know? Surprise?, heh."

Rundown glarred at him even more intensely. "Wairu you sly fragger do you know how much hidden information i could have gotten about the Space travelers?!"

Wairu facepalmed, "Rundown. I barely think Alpha trion has hidden knowledge about a Tv-series. Besides, we only spoke once and he offered me to go have a look throughout the Private area of datapads once they had told me their real identities."

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