Part 21 Another one

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The alarm clock went off.

Wairu stretched with a loud yawn, Curling up into a ball with the covers, reaching for the alarm and pressing snooze. After a few minutes he started uncurling and looking around the room. The events of last night flooding his memory, trying to figure out if it was a dream or not.

He sniffed the air, it still smelt like Ditrix baking, he had apparently carried him home last night. The last thing he remembered was sitting on that big rooftop overlooking the city. He must have fallen asleep.

A soft blush settled across his faceplate. He had been carried home. He burried his face in his pillow, the alarm going off once more as he starred at the time. He had to get up or he was going to be too late.

Draging his frame out of the warm and soft covers, he jumped down the stairs before stopping and looking at the kitchen. A small and big box placed on the table along with a note with each.

Opening the big one first, inside was another box labeled 'Energon casserole'  a see through bag beside it, filled with the cookies they didn't eat yesterday. He smiled, Ditrix knew he hadn't had time to make any food to eat to work. He was planning on just bringing a plain cube but this. This was way better. He picked up the note reading it "Why make edibles when someone else can do it?, also some sweets for my Shortcake~"

He groaned with a laugh, moving on to the smaller box.

It was nicely wrapped with a big bow. He pulled at the bow and the rest of the box collapsed to the sides revealing a see through box containing a thin ornament gold chain with an azure stone hanging from the center. He looked it over with slightly gaping mouth before reading the letter.

"Something to match with your beautiful optics~, You fell into recharge before i could give it to you and i didn't have the spark to wake you up."

His mouth forming a small 'o' as he walked over to a mirror, attatching it around his crest, the azure stone laying gracefully against the bottom of his crest.

He blushed heavily as he saw how well it fit him. Taking it off and placing it back in the box. Storing it in his bedside table.

Grabbing the bag of food he headed off to work, hoping he would at least have some other jobs than just ordering tickets.


A few days later Sator stood leaned against a nearby building, scanning every bot that walked out from the building on the other side. Wairu was supposed to quit in just a few seconds and he had his hopes up that he wouldn't be too tired to spend some time with him.

Ever since Unicron had gotten home with that big dumb smile on his faceplate he had known exactly where he had been. It was quite tempting to spend some alone time with him as well, so he had an entire day planned out with things they could do.

He stood up properly as he saw Wairu exit the building, walking up to him with a big smile. He was met with an equally big smile, hugging him before Wairu stepped back and looked at him with big optics.

"I stayed calm at work so i have enough energy to do stuff." Smiling proudly he almost bounced on his pedes.

Sator laughed and kissed his forhelm, "Well i might have something you can burn that energy on later tonight."

Looking up at him with exitement he smiled brightly "Oh realy? I cant wait!"

Chuckling he grabbed Wairus servo pulling him along. They walked through the city, alot of bots out in the caffes, laughing and talking loudly. He came to a stop and looked around nodding him down a smaller alley, Cybertronian plants crawling up along the walls of the buildings beside them. Light showed up ahead seeing the buildings end, Wairu blinking to focus his optics, when exiting the alley seeing a smaller cafe, a few bots sitting outside. It didnt seem so crowded for this time a day wich was nice, also a bit surprising he hadnt stumbled upon this place before, the place didnt seem to have any signs to find the way either wich was odd.

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