Ice and brawn

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"I'm going to go off and find Belle," said Regina as she and Emma ran toward the sound of danger, "Perhaps she'll give us more answers as to Henry's whereabouts, maybe even Gold's."

"I'm going to go investigate this new threat," acknowledged Emma.

Regina ran towards her parked car and Emma ran down to the end of the street toward the city's edge to confront whatever it was that was threatening their town. People were running for the lives away from the danger, but Emma like a trout swimming upstream and was running toward it. She dodged a few locals and as she rounded the corner of a convenient store she saw a man riding a ferocious beast. Emma's cell phone began ringing non-stop, but she ignored it for the time being. They were probably from Killian and her father.

With every rumble, the ground quaked. The fight was getting closer and closer to the town and citizens began escaping their shops to avoid the impending collision of both monster and building. Out of the corner of her eye, Emma saw Elsa come from out of nowhere and bravely approach the scene.

"Elsa!" shouted Emma.

"Emma! How can I help?" replied Elsa. Emma was surprised by Elsa's bravery, but was more relieved to see that she wasn't dealing with this situation alone.

"We need to set up a barrier to protect the shops. The damages of this fight alone could leave this town devastated," pointed out Emma.

"I'll put up the wall. You go take care of that monster!" Elsa directed. Emma nodded and stepped behind Elsa. Elsa turned to face the town and lifted her hands. Suddenly, a thick ice wall sprung up from the ground, blocking the monster from stepping any further into town and preventing any locals from coming forward to brave the monster themselves.

Emma saw the monster toss and turn, trying to shake the brave man from off of its body. The tail whipped dangerously back and forth. She cautiously stepped closer to the creature. She realized that she needed to immobilize the beast, but she wanted to make sure that the man piggy-backing was safe and away from it first.

"Hey! You! Get down from there! I'm going to try stunning the monster but I need you to step away so that I don't hit you or you don't get hurt!"

The foreigner riding the monster didn't seem to hear Emma as the creature continued thrashing. The monster pivoted suddenly at its feet, turning its body along with its whipping tail toward Emma. Before she knew it, Emma was slammed to the ground protected by a mysterious hooded stranger. Emma looked up to try and get a good look at her hero's face, but the hero took the fatal blow in her place and was thrown into the ice wall. Emma remained on the ground, dizzy by the sudden impact.

Elsa turned around to face the monster and shouted to the man on top of the creature, "I'd get down if I were you!"

Elsa pointed her hands at the monster's feet and froze them in place. She immediately threw ice at the creature's dangerous tail and froze it mid-motion. Hercules, seeing what Elsa was doing, immediately hopped off from the monster. He watched as Elsa froze the rest of the monster. When Elsa finished and withdrew her power, the monster had become a large and elaborate ice statue.

"There," Elsa said with a smile, finally satisfied that her powers were useful. With new confidence she beamed at the statue until she noticed the muscular man gawking awkwardly at her. "I'm Elsa and... you are...?" Elsa asked with a raised eyebrow.

Hercules was entranced by Elsa's beauty and immediately snapped back to reality. He coughed to break up the awkward tension he suddenly found himself in and introduced himself, "Hercules... my name is Hercules."

Hercules extended his hand forward to shake and Elsa obliged, but instead of a hand shake, Hercules immediately drew the top of her hand to his mouth and kissed it. He found himself staring again. Hercules continued stumbling with his words, "I'll... uh,... just... um... I'll finish up with that." He gestured with his thumb toward the monstrous statue and backed away from Elsa to face it again.

Elsa turned and saw Emma on the ground and rushed forward. "Emma! Emma, are you alright?" Emma's head bore a reddened scuff mark from the sudden impact to the ground. Emma moaned as Elsa helped her slowly to her feet. As Emma stood there, she felt every joint in her body ache.

"Yeah," Emma acknowledged in a daze, "but I don't think I can say the same for my hero..."

Emma turned to where she last saw her hooded-hero and discovered the person gone. Hercules bawled up his fist and punched the ice statue, shattering it into a million pieces. When the statue fell to the ground, Emma could see her mysterious hooded hero running off into the woods in the distance.

"Stay here with Muscles. I'm gonna go after that... person," commanded Emma to Elsa and as quickly as she could, Emma ran after the mysterious person.

"So... Elsa," said Hercules, nervously kicking a piece of large ice away from his walking path to her, "you're like... magical?"

"Yes. Well, sort of. I uh, I inherited my powers. Supposedly I'm descendents of Danish gods."

"Really? Me too!" Hercules noted excitedly. "Both of my parents, Zeus and Hera are Greek gods."

"Well, I can't trace my family that far. I'm not much of a god or demi-god, or... whatever it is that I am. But I do know that snow and ice seem to be the only extent of my powers."

"My power is... well... my strength, I guess?" Hercules laughed nervously to himself.

"Really," said Elsa sarcastically looking at the smashed monster ice statue, "I wouldn't have guessed."

There was something about Elsa that he liked and it was stirring feelings in his heart that he had never felt before. "I always thought that I was the only one," he claimed.

"I suppose that makes two of us," said Elsa, smiling at Hercules as she placed a friendly hand on his robust arm. She continued, "But here in Storybrooke, there are others like us, well... maybe not descendents of gods like us, but people who possess different magic. For a while we've all been living quite peacefully until you guys showed up. How did you and your monstrous companion arrive here to begin with?"

"I live in Greece. I was en route to Thebes when a young man named Henry, stopped me. We kept each other company all weekend. He got to talk to me about Storybrooke. Told me about this special watch he had. What was it called...?" Hercules snapped his fingers and the answer came to him, "Cogsworth! That's how Henry, the monster and I arriv..." Hercules looked around him, "Speaking of which, have you seen a young man about," Hercules said demonstrating Henry's approximate height with his hand, "yay-high?"

"His mothers were here, but I think they're already out there looking find him. Henry's mothers are two of the more powerful beings that possess magic here in Storybrooke. They actually help run this town. One's the sheriff and the other's the mayor."

"Now I can see why Henry was so nervous earlier," Hercules mumbled to himself.

"Pardon me?" Elsa said looking clearly confused.

"Uh... nothing important." Hercules was shuffling his feet nervously and began scratching his head as he mentioned, "Hey, so uh... I don't know this town very well. I would like to try and help find Henry, but I wouldn't even know where to begin."

Elsa smiled, thinking of the debt she still owed Belle from a long time ago, "You know, a good friend of mine said that this day would come. It would be an honor for me to show you around Storybrooke. Perhaps, we can get to know each other a bit more?"

"I would love that! Sounds like a great idea."

Hi guys! Another short chapter. What do you think about Hercules and Elsa pairing? Interested to read your thoughts.

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