A premature engagement

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...Back in Fairy Tale Land...

"Elsa? Elsa are you in there?" asked Anna knocking on Elsa's bedroom door. "Can I come in? I've got exciting news!"

Elsa was looking out her bedroom window onto the courtyard of guests coming in for her coronation. Anna caught her deep in thought. At the sound of her sister's knock she frantically slipped the fitted gloves back on her hands. "Conceal, don't feel. Conceal, don't feel." Elsa thought nervously to herself. She can't let her sister know. She can't harm her like she almost did years ago. No one can help her. No place would accept her. Not even her sister. "Hold on Anna!"

Elsa managed to fit her gloves back on just when Anna callously entered the room. "Elsa," Anna exclaimed, elated and excited at the same time, "I'm in love."

"Really? With who?" Elsa asked skeptically. Bombarded by the randomness of the news.


"Hans..." she paused, looking over at Anna who was staring off into the canopy of her bed, obviously on cloud nine. She looked at Anna incredulously, "...does this Hans have a last name?"

"Hmm I never asked, but he's a prince with a title and everything!" Anna said obliviously tapping knocking her toes excitedly on Elsa's bed. Elsa, hating to ruin her excitement, hesitantly said,"Anna... I-"

"His name is Prince Hans from the Southern Isles," she said cutting Elsa mid sentence, "and he is absolutely handsome. You'll love him too, I just know it!" Anna leaps up from the bed with a spring in her step and makes a grandiose exit toward the door.

"He's coming to the coronation, you can meet him then. And oh,..." said Anna holding onto the door before leaving, "I think you should go with the black and green dress for the ceremony. It's very flattering and appropriate. Don't worry. Not only will you look great, you'll be great. You'll make a fine Queen. I'm so excited for you. See you soon?"

"Mmhmm..." nodded Elsa in concurrence. Anna left in such a hurry that the door was left slightly ajar. Elsa turned facing the window again. She looked down and meticulously took off her right glove. Worry and nervousness consumed her. With her right hand exposed, she exhaled releasing the tension and anxiety with a small snow flurry in her bedroom, freezing the window and the entire wall that encompassed it. She felt alone, unknowingly being witnessed through the cracked door...

... ...

A hooded figure entered the sordid pub. He looked around searching for a particular individual. He strode through the room casually and gracefully, trying not to look conspicuous.

"If you're trying to not be noticed, you're doing it quite poorly!" shouted Rumplestiltskin from across pub. The hooded figure looked up toward the direction of the sound.

"How could you tell?" said the handsome individual pulling down his hood looking at Rumplestiltskin curiously.

"Only a prince would have the proper upbringing to stride elegantly through a room like you just did, and with such grace I might add. Am I right, Prince Hans?"

"What can I say? Old habits die hard. " Hans sat down at the vacant seat in front of Rumplestiltskin. He paused, suddenly realizing that the golden creature before him knew his name. "How do you know who I am?"

"Well, I am a trafficker of names. Call it a gift. What do you want?" demanded Rumplestiltskin, cutting straight to the point and taking one last swig of his beverage.

"So much for pleasantries," Hans remarked to himself, "I have heard that you are quite the remarkable enchanter; a wielder of magic. Making the impossible possible."

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