Bella notte

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The evening was crisp and the clear skies allowed the stars to shine brightly. They pulled in front of Tony's Restaurant and got out of the car. The valet stood idly by his post outside the restaurant until he saw Mr. Gold pull up and exit his vehicle. The valet immediately straightened his posture and hurriedly ran to greet Mr. Gold. Gold handed the gentleman his keys to park and walked around the front of the car to receive Belle. Another valet went to approach Belle's side of the door to open it when Gold stopped him, "Thank you, but I'll get it."

The valet looked scared and unsure what to do and simply stood there stunned. Gold reached into his pocket and pulled out a large bill handing it to the man. "I appreciate the effort, but for this, I insist."

"Of course sir," replied the valet. Gold then turned to his wife's door and opened it for her. He extended his hand and reached for hers. She couldn't help but smile as she laid her hand in his, accepting his assistance in getting out of the car.

"Thank you," she said blushing. Gold took Belle's hand and kissed it sincerely, "Always."

They entered the restaurant arm in arm and approached the Host together.

"Mr. Gold... uh...," the Host looked nervously down at his papers searching for his name, "do you... um, have a reservation?"

Just then the restaurant owner, Tony, intervened. "Mr. Gold," Tony said with a thick Italian accent, "I have a table for you. Please," he gestured, directing the couple with his hands, "right this way."

"Thank you Tony," replied Gold.

Tony guided Belle and Gold toward the back of the restaurant to a secluded area. Tony directed the couple to an open patio outside the restaurant. Belle marveled over how quaint and intimate the nook was and was genuinely surprised to see just the one table set for them. Green vines draped over the brick wall that surrounded the perimeter of the patio. And with the water fountain just a few feet from their table she could hear the peaceful sounds of the water collecting and dripping into the fountain's basin. The sight and sounds were so wonderful that it took her breath away; it was absolutely picturesque. Tony pulled out Belle's chair for her and she graciously took the seat, "Tony, this area is beautiful. Thank you so much for letting us sit here."

Gold took up the opposite seat and sat down with her. Tony smiled nervously back and forth between the two and replied, "Yes, well I owed Mr. Gold... a favor, to which I assume we're..."

"All set. Thank you Tony."

"Of course. Well, here are your menus," Tony said handing the pair the restaurant's menu's, "I'll give you two a few moments to look over it and your waiter will be with you shortly."

"Thank you," said Belle gratefully as Tony anxiously and eagerly left their table. Belle perused through the menu taking note of the cute logo in front; two dogs sharing a bowl of pasta and a moon hanging between their heads. They were barely through reading the appetizers list when a man appeared with a pitcher of water.

"Might I suggest the Linguine Alla Marinara," said Hook pouring water into the glasses before them, "I hear it's the restaurants' finest."

"Belle, I'm beginning to think you were right about staying home this evening," remarked Gold recognizing the intruder. "What on Earth are you doing here?" Mr. Gold questioned irritatedly. Belle sat there just as surprised as her husband. She was beginning to feel slightly put off from dinner by Hook's presence.

"I wanted to congratulate you on your nuptials. Tell me love," he said turning to Belle, "was it a beautifully intimate ceremony?"

"I think..." Gold said angrily through his teeth, "that if you want to keep your other hand, you'd be wise to leave now."

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