Sleepless storybrooke

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Little Dark Ones? LITTLE DARK ONES?! Could this woman be any more insulting?

Belle hastily left the building insulted and furious. She left so quickly that she suddenly found herself standing in front of the library doors. She took her keys and angrily jammed them into the locks to open the doors. When she entered the building she immediately closed the doors behind her. Belle wanted to place as much distance between herself and that miserable woman as possible. Of all people and creatures, only Regina knew how to make skin crawl and her stomach flop. And just when she thought she had been doing so well keeping her nausea at bay. But the thought did make her wonder...

With her cursed Lacey memories still intact, she knew about her menstrual cycle and was aware of the reproductive system. Had she really been that careless or that forgetful? She needed to see the words in front of her face. She walked over to the section of the library labeled, 'Maternity' and pulled the first random book she could get her hands on. She propped open the books in her hands and immediately began flipping through the pages.

28 days... Her period was definitely a week late.

Signs and symptoms...

"Hey," said Rumplestiltskin as he poked his head from around a bookshelf to find her. She was so consumed by the material at hand that she forgot about their lunch date. "What are you reading?"

Realizing he was here, she panicked. Her heart raced as she quickly looked for a place to hide the book. "Nothing. Just some, uh," she said tossing the book blindly back onto a random shelf, "just something that caught my eye."

"Are you ok? You're sweating," he observed.

"Oh, I... just got back from the Sheriff's station. Apparently Dr. Hopper is counseling Elsa now because she came to apologize to me," she said quickly.

"Really?" he asked clearly confused. "At the Sheriff's station?"

"Emma came by the library and told me there was somebody she wanted me to meet. I figured it might have been Gaston or somebody I knew from my past that finally found me. So she escorted me there and along the way I got to post up my flyers for the book club around town. When I arrived I was surprised to see Dr. Hopper and Elsa already there. Apparently Emma and Archie were only there to moderate the apology. I suppose they were expecting you to come flying in with guns-a-blazing or whatever."

"What else happened?"

"Well," Belle began, evacuating quickly from that section of the library, "I accepted her apology. She felt obligated to owe me a favor, but I told her to simply pay it forward. Has she come to apologize to you yet?"

"No... I don't think I shall be expecting an apology from her anytime soon," he said following after her, "Let's just say that I think we've already come to an unspoken understanding of each other. That is, unless, she comes back to either one of us again and becomes uncivil. In which case, I think then we'll exchange some words. However, that is not the case. And since you're fine, we're fine. So I wouldn't worry so much about her anymore. I don't think she'll bother us again."

Belle walked over to the circulation desk to pick up her purse and other belongings. Her heart was still beating against her chest like a trapped hummingbird. Her mind raced with a million questions along with another million concerns and the whirlwind of thoughts was making her dizzy. She couldn't panic on what she didn't know for positive. For all she knew she was jumping to conclusions. She needed to focus on one thing at a time and right now that was lunch.

"Lunch?" she asked shouldering her belongings.


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